ForumsWEPRHealth Care Reform

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35 posts

If you actually know of what it will do for you, what do you think about it?

Personally, I believe it is about time this happened. I am an asthmatic, so I need to have insurance to help pay for the medications I need to keep myself healthy. It qualifies as a Preexisting condition, so because of the reform, I can get Blue Cross Blue Shield.

So I think it's wonderful.

And you?

  • 30 Replies
4,220 posts

The insurance companies will have some loss of revenue. Prices WILL go down, and they will suffer. They won't have losses under any circumstances, but they won't make as much money and they will probably fire people.

I would be rather surprised if they do, honestly.

I don't see how everyone else suffers here.

The companies will still be forced to provide above average health care. That may sound good for the employee, which it is, but that's really bad for the bottom line, which equals really bad for the employee, overriding the very good.

Get it?

(also the house example was pretty bad)

I'm not going to pay you for my services.
996 posts

I would be rather surprised if they do, honestly.

They won't need to at all whatsoever, but I never would underestimate the insurance companies.
The companies will still be forced to provide above average health care. That may sound good for the employee, which it is, but that's really bad for the bottom line, which equals really bad for the employee, overriding the very good.

Insurance companies will have to provide more services, and they're free to charge more. The people are also free to leave their health insurance for governmental insurance.
9,821 posts

LOL I like how 13 year olds are talking about this which doesn't really concern them yet.

Sctually, I'm 13 and this is big news for my family. I have moderate-to-severe allergies, asthma and eczema, as well as chronic sinusitis, and now every time I get a cold it won't cost my family a thousand bucks in healthcare premiums.
739 posts

I think this reform is an excellent idea. We will not only be helping the needy, but it will also not cost an arm and a leg for medical procedures. If you look at the British, Japanese, and Swedish Health Care system, you will see that their systems work much better than ours.

54 posts

Thats just because I don't get American things like this. I'm sorry, but I don't quite grasp this reform and don't really feel the need to learn what it is. Also how old are you? Just curious cuz it doesn't say on your profile.

If you don't understand the debate then why are posting in this thread. It has no concern for you. You said it yourself
I'm Canadian and it doesn't really effect me, as all essential medical care is covered so I could really care less.

Your only creating spam.

Anyways back on topic. I just hope this bill makes the waiting room is a tad fast. And less paperwork. Like I said in my first post, I'll support this bill, now that it is a law. But I honestly think we should try to just give more incentives to private insurance companies to give a lower premium for decent care, and/or reward the companies that do a good job. And have fines for insurance companies that drop people if they are sick or something negative health wise or corrupt health care insurance companies. It'll cost a lot less than a government run health care.

I honestly think the government is spending too much money. I think it's going to cause too much inflation, and it may happen to quickly to catch the economy like we did this time.

Also I don't like all to pork in this law. Honestly I think there should be a rule in congress that requires only things that are relevant to the topic of the bill. And have a budgeted expense for all the pork that goes through this bill.
3,562 posts

so, even though my dad does not like this healthcare reform, he says that it is needed. (he is a doctor, I wont go into specifics because 80% of the people here think doctors wear them white labcoats / scrubs and thats all you know)

I mean it does cut down on the doctor's salary a lot, and makes many of them lose the incentive to treat patients because the pay is significantly less.
(like I said I die a little reading these threads, 13/14 year olds think they're so well informed)

anyway to put it into perspective my dad outlined it out for me, it is actually cheaper and would save the country billions of dollars if there was the health reform. think about it this way. people who are not insured, do not go in for regular checkups, and it eventually leads to bigger issues like for example kidney failure. The patient would have to go on dialysis which costs a ton of money, and/or need a kidney transplant. The average kidney transplant in the united states is around 500 grand, yea thats right. 500k lota cash there. this could be prevented if the patient went to the doctor regularly to get tested and briefed about his condition so he could avoid this surgery all together.

a hospital stay is about 50 grand and 10 of those is about the same as the kidney transplant surgery, now you can't really sell organs (legally but police report black market rates of kidneys go for about 60 grand) but this idea that prevention could save money is the idea behind the health care reform. sure it would mean I might have to pay for college myself because my parents might have to tighten their belts for a lower income but in the long run it saves a sh*t ton of money, which could be used for something like to get this country out of it's huge debt. (what was it now 12 tril?)
yea thats about it.

also most first world countries (as much as I hate to admit it, canada is a first world country.... canada sux btw. ) have healthcare for everyone this reform in america will cover about 95% of the people (people who pay taxes I assume) and it basically makes america better since hopefully we wont be seeing much fat kids waddling around (I said hopefully, cross your fingers).


1,903 posts

The patient would have to go on dialysis which costs a ton of money, and/or need a kidney transplant.

I agree with all of the above but this hit me particularly hard, because my Dad's kidneys recently shut down (around Christmas last year) because he had an anti-immune disease... The dialysis is a big pain, and the chemo to get rid of his whites is even worse, luckily we already had awesome insurance that covered everything, but I don't want to think about what would have happened otherwise.
3,562 posts

my mum's a nephrologist and she about 2% of her dialysis patients are there because of lupus, which is an AI disease that attacks the organs and lymph nodes. But yea she says that those people have it hard since they take care of their body but because of genetics, they are forced to live the hard life. Many of her other patients had great bodies but partook too much pleasures of the flesh and ended up burning through their life too fast, and now they regret a bunch of stuff.

but yea sorry for your dad, If I had to see it, your dad probably wouldnt have lived past 2 weeks max if his kidneys went and he was unable to go on dialysis. but hopefully this reform will prevent many people's health from going south.

best of luck pHacon.

1,903 posts

but yea sorry for your dad, If I had to see it, your dad probably wouldnt have lived past 2 weeks max if his kidneys went and he was unable to go on dialysis. but hopefully this reform will prevent many people's health from going south.

best of luck pHacon.

Thanks for that, if my mom hadn't forced him to go to the E.R. he probably would have gone septic within 24 hours...

The only reason I'm not hating the reform is because this gives people with similar conditions and no insurance a chance.
4,220 posts

The people are also free to leave their health insurance for governmental insurance.

Which is minimal at best, unless you want us in even more debt, which isn't helping anything.

Insurance companies will have to provide more services, and they're free to charge more.

And they will charge more. If there was ever an evil corporation, health insurance companies are them. And seeing as companies and corporations will be forced to provide health care they can't afford, they are going to go away, forever.
27 posts

If everything about this bill is so great, why doesn't the president and congress use it like we have to? It's because they know its a load of unstustainable crap. Plus, it still will leave about 30% of the population without health coverage.
You guys should really read some of the trash thats in it.

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