okey i know some of you know me as a pot smoker, which i have before but im not like a pot head, and i just want to clarify that i am mainly against drugs in peoples lives.
i just dont understand why people abuse drugs such as ibiprofen or shit like oxyclean.. i understand that sometimes trama survivers end up doing this stuff but i just baffels me as to why people started to begin with.
i mean my eyes have been opened wuide as of yesterday. my freind had been tweeked so much that he hadnt eaten for 2 weeks and he is now in a comma....... one of my closest friends too.
it just disgusts me as to how these people do this stuff and think there cool. especially with cigarretes i have friends that have been smoking since the 7'th grade becuase they thought it was cool back then and now when they are in 10'th and 11'th they are hooked on the niccatene and will probably get lung cancer at the age of 35. i think all marijuana, ciggarettes, opiots, and any other kind of drug should jsut be frowned upon and i think users should go to an insane assylum.
harsh i know but who cares they are crazy for doing that shit in the first place...
why do people do stupid things that know will ruin there lives. i mean my best friends bf found out that she did coke once and hes pissed. which he should be. she has smoked cigarettes and smokes weed every other day and has done it in front of him when hes been trying to get her to quit. and now shes mad at him for yelling at her about drugs! its outragous what her head is stuck into. he is getting yelled at by her for him trying to save her life....
no i was clarrifying that im not a "ot smoker" i have before at partys and stuff. i was just clirrifying so people didnt think i was some rude stupid hipocrit
plz tlk n engliz. i cant udrstnd u.
But seriously, make an effort to improve your typing.
I know this guy who smokes cigarettes, and pot. He acts like its no big deal, he sais he's not addicted he just does it cuz he wants to. I can not understand why someone could be so blind. He doesnt care what that s**t is doing to him. Y would u purposely ruin your life? Its stupid.
thats the exact point im making. i dont understand why anybody would WANT to smoke ciggerettes. it just doesnt make sence with everything we have found out about it. it causes cancer... and people still think its okey at the age of 14 to get started.
Delo, someone smokes a cigarette because of the sensation they feel. They are completely aware of the consequences, it is just a choice. You probably do not realize all of additives (some linked to cancer) and food processing shortcuts we are all taking in most days.
For example, corn syrup (which it and it's derivatives) is probably in at least one food item you eat every day. It is safe to say it leads you down that path to obesity if you do not manage it right. THANKS AMERICA FOR TAKING THE SHORTCUT!
ive smoked cigarettes before though and it doesnt do anything so i said this is dumb and neverr did it again. that was like 2 years ago when i didnt know anything about cigarettes except that they were addictive.
Good article, but I Have seen so many poor kids in my area (outskirts of pittsburgh) and surrounding areas, and the rich kids all doing drugs all the time. Possibly it is mostly rich kids else where, but where I am, its poor, and rich. Middle class stays out of it.
cigarettes just calm you down when your really wired, and yea there addictive, and yeah, there full of this, and that, blah blah, blah.
But I would likt to throw this out. If yo udon't smoke or do drugs, you still either ride in a car, or drive a car, yes? Well, that can kill you just as easily (if not easier) then a cigarette, or drugs can. So really, I don't see the big deal.
Since where on the topic. Don't worry about weed, it does nothing. You can get mad if your friends start buying crack rocks, or shooting heroin, or hitting methodine....other then that don't worry.