I came across one of his songs--I don't know which one because they all sound alike--and I thought nothing of it. I was sure it was Beyonce singing, though. When I found out it was a guy singing, I couldn't believe my ears.
Yeah, lol. I looked up listen to U2 songs on google, I found a site with the music videos, and while one of them was loading, it came up with a Justing Bieber ad. I threw my mouse at the monitor and nearly broke the mouse xD
Personally I think that all of the money will go to his head, he will get involved in drugs, will become a father at 18, and end up being like another Brittany Spears only this time she is a guy.
His reign will end soon. He has to hit puberty sometime. Unless he's been castrated. Then he will remain a little girl for the rest of his life! But at least there wouldn't be a Justin Bieber Jr.
I heard a song by him and thought "What the h*ll is this? Is this some sort of sick joke?" I really do hate this guy. Almost as much as I hate Lady Gaga |P