ForumsGame WalkthroughsStorm the House 2 Walktrough

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Here is a little guide that tells you how to complete the game easily.
Ok, start with buying Clip size +1 after first level. then next, get some gunmen (Just 2 or something, won't help that much) then you just don't buy anything until you've got 7000 and can buy the SMG (If you think you can do the start without the gunmen, then just go for the Shotgun, that's actually better.) Then after you've got a fine weapon, you go for craftsmen and gunmen. do that until you've got 8 craftsmen or so, and 15 gunmen. Then you go for the Grenade Launcher (This will be the last time you buy a weapon) when you got the Grenade Launcher you should be able to kill the most things (Remember to hold down spacebar all the time when using the Grenade Launcher, and don't try to buy more clip size, it don't works at the Grenade Launcher.) Now just kill with the Grenade Launcher and buy Craftsmen/Gunmen, (Sometimes upgrade the wall and fortify the building.)
Buy craftsmen until you've got 80-120 (You won't be able to die now) and then get like 800 gunmen, If this works right, you should be able to leave the computer and do something else while the stickmen get their *** kicked!

I'm not 100% sure that this works, but try it out. (Only tried it in easy mode, don't know if it's good in the other modes.)

Thank you for reading the guide. If it works good please tell me on my profile.

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