If all the energy in the world was depleted in a flash, what woud happen? Well, I guess for starters,all the planes would crash, ships would stop, food would go bad, most people would freak out and panic, and chances are that you wouldn't b able to read this, but can anyone think of a hidden problem?
Reminds me of the time elton joh said if he could turn the internet off he would cos he hates it...... he said this on his blog...... ont he internet.
I think the human race (especially the west) would be royally fucked lol we would struggle to even get milk from cows etc.
My school was given a £20 million pound grant to build a new school and everything is electronic..... we have been given little credit cards to swipe on the walls to register for class and to unlock the doors to get into school. There was a power cut and evrything got messed up systems were down for days but (luckily) the dorrs unlocked rather than got stuck locked during the power cut or we would have been kinda stuck.
For one, it would get rid of all the little things, such as electricity for the TV, radio, computers and telephones.
But as well, we'd have a much larger battle outside our own words, as a major power outage such as that would render most of the world in chaos.
And think of all the mass hysteria. For example, a lot of looting, crazed riots and people looking for food. Who's to say there will be any law enforcement, as much of the world will be in total chaos.
We would be returned to a world we have long forgotten - the medieval ages. As, we will no longer have the everyday comforts used by technologies and electricity.
Most, if not all of the world will be effected one way or another. Even third world countries, as even minor things would off set the balance.
In a month the water filling the nuclear reactor will be gone. BOOOOMMM! But before that, in a week or so, the cooling emergency system of a lot of factories that uses dangerous chemicals (that need constant cooling) will fail, allowing the dangerous gasses outside. It will be a genocide.
-_o um...your situation doesn't say the power could be turned back on. I say we'd just turn the power on again. Also what relevence does this have? It's practically impossible.
Hmm, quite the interesting thing to ponder. An EMP or something that explodes in the atmosphere knocking out all electronic communications.
Well, here in the United States, we are so so so dependent on technology. I would also say Asia specifically Japan (in the urban areas). But I think Asia knows how better to keep alive on the natural resources they have. Us American's don't know how to wash cloths without a washer or how to calculate change without a computer doing it for us (talk about moronic). I think America would release the red cross but without power, there would be no way to organize or communicate, and it would be hard to move supplies because there would be no lights on the run ways. I think the planes would still function as they run on hydraulics.
There would also be no radio or television to broadcast emergency information, so there would be panic and chaos. And when that happens it will be like the New Orleans with robbery of food and appliances. This, I think, is merely to survive as we as humans know we need food and maybe if we get power back can get some kind of information or a signal out and someone will rescue us.
I think all the major governments would try to meet and decide what to do, or that there would be all out war to gain resources. Another possibility is that each country's leaders would try to control the riots that will occur. But I think that would be futile because the number of citizens would out way government.
Ultimately, I am not sure what would happen. The world would try to gain power again, but if that was impossible we would go back to land collecting food form the land and the barter system because our current money would turn worthless. But you also have to know that our Social Security, Health Care, and Insurance, Titles to houses and cars, Birth certificates, would all be lost. It is stupid to make everything digital, the "cloud" that people use is stupid. If that server goes down, so does your life as you know it. Unless you have physical back ups on PAPER.
These were just some random bablings by me, maybe some of this would happen. Anyone want to try? Actually, please don't. It's easier to research on the internet than it is in a book where I actually have to look at an index of each and every book. On the internet I can type in a few keywords and find multiple resources pertaining to the same subject.