ForumsWEPRIs there truely a separation of church and state?

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201 posts

In the education system I really don't think they do a good job of this. I think, in something like history class, where people's beliefs are relevant to understand why something happens, it's ok to teach religion. In ENGLISH however, though they don't teach religion, they sort of expect you to know things about the bible. And christianity. I find this ridiculous. Like we are Slaughterhouse 5 and a question my teacher had on the board was how vonnegut revised the bible to the form he had in the book that had to do with tralfamador or something.

I have never read the bible. I thought he had simply relaced words. But, according to another classmate who answered, he changed basic plot things. I don't remember what. I was sitting there with no idea what she was talking about! SO, they pretty much expect that we had read the bible. I go to a PUBLIC school.

Comments on this? Do you really think there is a true separation of church and state? Examples you have had?

  • 20 Replies
818 posts

Ahh, Samy. I was about to kill you for creating another arguing forum.
I do believe the church and state are separated. Only in public schools are they allowed to actually teach religion. God is refered to in the pledge of allegiance. Society has changed though, the state was ruled by the church 100% at one time. Now it really doesn't rule the state.

201 posts

It doesn't really have implications; the structure of the book is that there is no real timeline, it jumps around. It was a short passage in the book to further the assertion of his arguement, which is made in other parts of the book as well.

1,751 posts

In israel (as an israely jew in tel-aviv) I have to learn the Tanakh in school, but the Tanakh has an important part in society. You even have to pass a test that enters in your "Bagrut". But I still belive that the bible shouldn't be taught to people who don't belive in it.

3,035 posts

It matters what country that you are talking about. I would that on account of all the different religions in the USA that it is one of the countries in which the church is relatively seperated from the state.

1,416 posts

I've never heard of Vonnegut

That's like saying you've never heard of Hemingway.

Kuraikane, was the Bible question just a discussion thing? Because if it didn't affect your grade at all, I don't see the problem. If your lack of knowledge regarding details in the Bible did affect your grade, that's another thing.

I know what you're talking about, having recently read Toni Morrison's "Song of Solomon," which is largely based off the Bible (character names include First Corinthians, Madgelene, and Pilate). I've never read the bible, so I did not get most of the references.

Our teacher had us read "Song of Solomon" (the actual bible passage) in class, which gave me a deeper understanding of the novel. I had no problem with this, SoS is a great book and I wanted to appreciate fully. The same could be said for Slaughterhouse.
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