What are your favorite Extreme metal bands; Death metal, black metal etc
I don't know if you consider Sepultura extreme, but if so then they're my favorite. I also like Death and Mayhem.
Bloodbath, Debauchery, In Mourning, One Man Army and the Undead Quartet, stuff like that.
I don't know if you consider Sepultura extreme,
VomitoryBest Death Metal Band EVER
There are too many metal threads on AG. I think that metal is horrible music.
Sepultura is far from extreme.
sepultura is beastly lol to say they arnt extremem is saying tiger is going to win the masters lol. no.but ya i like goatwhore, cattle decapitation, meshuuga, gojira, not a big augest burns red fan all there songs sound exactly the same. but by far my favorite extreme band is hatebreed.... such bad asses
oh and emmure and white chapel are very beast also
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