[/i] hi, i unlock all so ... to make zero gravity you must create a map whit a foor brick and expand it to the end of the screen and go to the brick end jump and make a doble jump to go back to the first brick . that way i made it.
im going to tell you how to get some of the harder ones. the get zero gravity, but the longest platform you can then drag it to one side, build another FAR under it and move it to the side. walk to the edge and when you start falling push toward the edge, you will move to the middle and get zero gravity.
to get lift off and blast off whatever, you need to build a platform at the top of the stage and set it to rage only moves. rage punch someone and if you do the right one, the fist uppercut you will get the first one, then turn on the cheat you get for unlocking the first one and do what you just did to get the next one
For All You Guys Having Trouble With "Lift-Off", I Suggest You Enable Infinite Rage, As Well As The 5x Damage Thing. Attack Someone, And Send Them Flying Out Of The Map, And If Your Lucky, Glitch Them Out Of The Entire Game.