danereeno i get to jones town with around 10 days left with 3 surivivors but i keep dying and my survivors are killed i tried all weapons and i just can't get passed it
If you have a Chain saw and fast guns and you might live because when you shield thing breaks you use the Chain saw and when there no one near you use your Fast gun
great game, can't get past the 3rd to last town though. I get like, 4 survivors and I have the bow and chainsaw. They just break through the barricade and all my survivors run. Any ideas?
You need to equip all your survivors with weapons... Try to skip jonestown, it's very hard. Try to combo chainsaw/fast shooting weapon. I like the RPG, but it's just a personal preference. Use the uzi or ump 45...
You need to equip all your survivors with weapons... Try to skip jonestown, it's very hard. Try to combo chainsaw/fast shooting weapon. I like the RPG, but it's just a personal preference. Use the uzi or ump 45...
I took the chainsaw, and the... i cant remember what its called... that machine gun u get in the really populated town... i dont remember :/ and beat the whole game.