Post and discuss the best songs you can think of. Not just good or great songs - songs that you think would make album of the year if released as singles. Also, discuss them so this thread isn't locked . . . .
My choices would be Hey Nineteen and Deacon Blues by Steely Dan, because of their phenomenal engineering. Each one is so exact as to approach perfection, and the unique mix of jazz/funk and jazz/rock, respectively, give them a unique and infectious flavor.
My other one would be South side of the Sky by Yes. It's so mystical and so complex, I could listen to it for hours and not get tired of it. The different phrases and melodies are enchanting.
I got three! 1) Since I've been Loving You. By Led Zeppelin. The guitar solo in this song is incredible. This was the first great song song I ever heard. It made me realize how great music could be.
2) "Tunnels" by arcade fire. I can't find a decent version online. I know the ACL version is legit, which can be found here. But it is in the middle of an hour long video so... yeah.
3) Beethoven's 9th. Just... epic. Maybe it is because I played violin when I was a kid, but I have always loved classical music.
Nothing I listen to would go anywhere within sixty places of number one, due to the changing styles of popular music.
However I say One by Metallica should sure as hell make it somewhere within it's original place of thirty five.
Slow start, medium middle, insanely fast solo (not quite Fight Fire With Fire, but hey, can't have everything), fast exit.
Lyrics are awesome, and remind me why I really don't want to get caught in a landmines path. Oh, and war isn't fun when you get blown up. There's that too.
Anyways, has my personal favorite guitar riff ever, so yeah.
As of now, I can't seem to shake a song called"Don't Mean Nothing" by Richard Marx. It's such a masterful piece of pop music. I think I'm addicted, guys.