ForumsPopular MediaThe shows you watch

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I haven't seen a formal thread for this, so here's one. What TV shows do you currently watch, if any?

I only spend about three hours or so in front of the TV per week, but since computers are more the go these days, we'll count TV shows you stream online too. Since I live in Australia, though, first, internet sucks. Second, the stuff you see on free-to-air that comes from other countries is about half a year behind, and we get inundated with repeats.

Anyway, the shows I watch are:

1) Top Gear (BBC UK). With each season, the iconic British hoons go through even more dangerous, expensive stunts and challenges to the point that this really isn't a motoring show anymore, it's about Clarkson, Hammond and May and the crazy **** they do in motor cars. I just saw the Bolivia special, and it actually honestly made me think that buying a crap bucket of bolts and attempting to drive it through the South America rainforest, mountain passes and desert might make for a dead adventure, as long as I didn't die from drowning, dehydration, falling five-hundred meters off the world's most dangerous highway, or extreme altitude sickness. Which I probably would, so no, it's not a good idea.

2) Burn Notice- my other guilty blokey bloke indulgence. Guns, cars, fights, big explosions, dangerous criminals and hot swimsuits sum it up. Oh, and while the formula harkens back to the "guy can solve any problem with a little help of his sidekicks" of old, there's a certain Grand Theft Auto feel to the plot structure. Clever marketing.

3) So You Think You Can Dance (America). Which isn't currently on but when it is, I'll be watching! There's an Australian version but seriously, the American show is better. And really, the guys on this show are phenomenally good. Unbelievably good.

4) Iron Chef (Japan). All the episodes seem to have been filmed over ten years ago! Sometimes genius, sometimes madness unfolds in the kitchen all at the behest of a crazy guy who wears crazy outfits and makes crazy faces. But the real drawcard are the guests brought in to challenge the legendary Iron Chefs, all of them among, if not the world's best. The formula of themed cook-offs under pressure has been emulated the world around, but nothing so far has topped this example. (If you're a foodie/aspiring gastronomist, you might want to also check out Heston's Feasts, because Heston Blumenthal is also a mad genius.)

5) Live coverage of the F1 series. Because unlike the period following Senna's death until Schumacher's retirement, there are eight drivers who could seriously contend for the title, which makes every race actually exciting.

Right, those are my picks. Over to you lot!

  • 49 Replies
433 posts

I watch
-Disney Channel
My sister loves disney so I just watch it

1,531 posts

I watch mostly shows that I can glean information of various kinds from, especially Discovery and History channel. Here are most of them:

American Pickers (Hist)
Pawn Stars (Hist)

Deadliest Catch (Dsc, off season now)

Mythbusters (Dsc, off season now)
Sons of Guns (Dsc, subbing for Mythbusters)
Deadliest Warrior (Spike)

Swamp People (Hist, off season now)

Swamp Loggers (Dsc)

Mana-Fest with Perry Stone [prophesy] (INSP)

Some others that are currently status unknown include Flying Wild Alaska (Dsc) and Gold Rush (Dsc).

1,608 posts

Game of Thrones
Family Guy
American Dad

Showing 46-48 of 49