I was thinking, I mean we forum goers obviously spend like a lot of time on the forums. So what can I do to involve everyone? What I want to do is have challenges set during a day of the week that might be good for you, and if you decide to attempt the challenge which will probably take up a good portion of the day, possibly starting from breakfast all the way till dinner 8:00 am- 8:00 pm sort of thing. You can also write about your experiences during the challenge, what made you fail, peers? teachers? or maybe a self struggle?
but april 16th is the national day of silence, hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in their schools.
we can start of the series of challenges with the kick off of the national day of silence!
so on April 16th you can write a note saying you are taking part in the national day of silence, therefore you will not have to talk or say anything to anyone. PLus if people harass you to try and make you talk, you can bring them up to the principal/dean w/e and if the dean cannot respect this, you technically have the right to sue the school.
Anyway hopefully we can challenge ourselves every week with something new, some suggestions are: using your non dominate hand for a day, being blind for a day, or wearing your clothes backwards for a day
write about your experiences, your difficulties, or your adversaries.
I tried for five minutes to come up with more to say, but I skipped a night's sleep so it's not really working. I still like it, though. Doing new and/or unusual things is always interesting.
I figured it would give some of us something to do when we are bored, I know it's a lot easier to have some fun with things when they aren't your idea (less thinking = more fun time lol)
anyway, last year in my high school almost everyone participated in the day of silence to raise awareness for the anti-gay/lesbian harassment that goes on. because many times those who are not openly "out of the closet" per se, are often bullied (not directly but rather by society) into not being themselves. I mean come on we should live in a day and age where everyone can be accepted. right?
I know it's a lot easier to have some fun with things when they aren't your idea (less thinking = more fun time lol)
Agreed, but for a different reason. I'm used to my ideas. I know the ideas I get, and I get plenty of them. Ideas from others pose a challenge because I first have to figure out what to even do with it. And I find that challenge fun every now and then. This is mostly based on drawings and how I work with them, but has been true for a few other things now and then.
I mean come on we should live in a day and age where everyone can be accepted. right?
Tolerated and treated with respect at least. Some people do behave in ways I consider unacceptable, but I don't mind their existence.
Must be very special to have an entire day where no one speaks. O.o
Must be very special to have an entire day where no one speaks. O.o
It was quite fun from when I remembered it, because some kids who didn't participate tried really hard to get other people to talk, it wasn't more of a jerk thing, more like a funny thing, because they were making faces and such.
so on April 16th you can write a note saying you are taking part in the national day of silence, therefore you will not have to talk or say anything to anyone.
An interesting idea, but partaking in this would probably result in my failing a class, therefore I don't think I can afford to do this xD
This is nice and all but if you want change in the world you got to open you mouth and speak. Saying nothing just makes it easier for the other side to step all over you. An example would be Dr. King he was loud and bold which led him to victory, if he never said any thing nothing would have happened.
This is nice and all but if you want change in the world you got to open you mouth and speak. Saying nothing just makes it easier for the other side to step all over you
the silences represents the oppression felt by people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, by not speaking, we are taking up in their cause for equality. There already is a movement therefore you don't really need to speak. There is a saying that goes. Actions speak louder than words. SO in that respect, if we just shut up and act, it would be better than moving your lips. Had Dr King not acted upon his words by creating the movement and gathered thousands to march upon washington, things would be quite different today. So I submit to you. If he never acted, nothing would have happened.
but partaking in this would probably result in my failing a class,
because your semester grade hinges on 1 day of class amirite? lol
anyway I didn't say you couldn't participate in class, more like just don't talk to show support.
because really you are feeling what those who are bullied of feeling. millions of people are scared of coming out to the world because they are afraid of what might happen to them.
If I stay in my home the entire day, I will be participating automatically, unless I end up swearing at my exam paper.
This is a really good idea, as Zophia said, though to me it is a bit like nodding if you agree on something. Shutting up is not really an action that would be able to do a difference with this. The people being anti-whatever is not going to stop what they are doing just because a lot of people agree it is wrong. Or something.
quite right cenere, but you should know that I didn't make this day up it's been established for quite some time I believe. I was only planning on initiating my plan for a AG wide challenge-esque thread (kinda like WoM interactively speaking) and having people write about their experiences seemed like a cool idea so thats why I decided to create the thread.
OK today, day of silence I assume not many of you participated as this Idea of challenging ourselves outside of the forum a contest of sorts is still in it's natal stage. cheers to everyone who did.
I kinda forgot because early in the day I read something about it having been the day before, so I got confused and just didn't bother trying to explain to my grandma why I'd be quiet. O.o
Day of Silence? Yeah, you know me. . . totally did that.
Well, to some degree. As in, I was silent enough to raise awareness, but not silent enough to not explain what I was raising awareness for. Some people didn't know what LGBT even stood for, so I really had to speak up.
Best line: Person A: "LGBT? What's that?" Person B: "It's a type of sandwich."
Oh, and I talked to people who were already well aware. Day of silence? Not as such. I raised the crap out of awareness, though.