Krizaz, read the article again. It's Mississippi, not Missouri.
And yes, it's true that Mississippi has always been behind in the times. They didn't ratify the 13th amendment until 1995, so I'd say they're very far behind.
I don't quite agree with you there, either. Although Mississippi is probably the most behind state in the United States, Alabama and the other states aren't too much different. Alabama and Mississippi are like twins, except one twin's brain didn't develop as much.
Eh, maybe my last comment was bit too harsh/quick. Sorry 'bout that.
Maybe you could've used a different word than "Armpit"...
I honestly don't know why the southerners we hear about all seem like idiots.
That is because we don't hear much about the smart ones, and when we do, we don't see them as "southerners" rather than just smart people. Perhaps the reason for this is because the southern United States is portrayed as being dimwitted, so those are the people who the news exploits.
Think of it this way, though: when do you actually pay attention to news about smart people?
Well you can always count on rednecks and christians to cause bad names for people.
And you can always count on Armorgames to give rednecks and Christians a bad name.
Well there's also personal experiences don't ya know?
What do you mean? I've never been to the southern United States, so I've had no personal experience with southerners, whether they are rednecks or geniuses.
However, we do have people similar to rednecks here in England, and they can be pretty wild. Fortunately for me, I live nowhere near any of them, so I'm safe from them.
Racism is a terrible thing but it goes both ways. I'm sure that I've been racist before in my life and I'm sure that I've been the victim of racism in my life.
maybe they should step into the 21 ccentury and maybe learn that this stuff happened a LONG time ago. i think we should jsut get rid of missouri, arkansas, and mississippi, cause there jsut full of insest raping red necks and losers (no effence if youre from on of these places)
maybe they should step into the 21 ccentury and maybe learn that this stuff happened a LONG time ago. i think we should jsut get rid of missouri, arkansas, and mississippi, cause there jsut full of insest raping red necks and losers (no effence if youre from on of these places)
Hell, do none of you view people as individuals? Honestly I'm not sure what more can be said here other than no one can be defined by their geographic location.