I was thinking of watching the 2005 movie Constantine starring Keanu Reeves and Rachel Wiez. I really dont like horror movies like Saw and i wondering is this film scary. And is it worth watching/any good?
Constantine is an awesome movie, at least to me. It is not horror, or rather, horrific, but it got horror elements. An example would be that I can actually watch it, and sleep afterwards, which is a good measurement of how horrifying it is. So please, go see it, it got some good concepts and looks great.
I've never seen it all the way though before I always miss the start lol but it is a great film. It helps I'm (seemingly one of the few) that like Keanu Reeves. Like Cenere says it has some good ideas in it and I quite like all the religious stuff in it. It's been a while since it's been on TV so I don't remember much but it is a brliiant movie and not too scary imo (but not much scares me usually.... in films anyway)
I just watched it online it wasnt really scary i would say 3 aswell. It started a little slow but after that it was really good. I will probably get it on UMD.
A sequel would be awsome but i dont think its gunna happen i mean it been 5 years it would have come out by now. I was thinking of reading the Hellblazer comics it was based on has anyone read them?
Constantineâs title star Keanu Reeves says a once rumored second installment to the Hellblazer Vertigo comics series, Constantine 2, isnât going to happen.
Read more: Keanu Reeves Says No to Constantine 2, All Other Sequels | /Film http://www.slashfilm.com/2008/03/25/keanu-reeves-says-no-to-constantine-2-all-other-sequels/#ixzz0lZRE7dAL
There you go its not gunna happen its a shame but oh well.