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ForumsThe TavernThe Zombie Survival Club (READ OP)

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5,642 posts

Welcome, Veterans and newcomers! This is the reconstruction of The Zombie Survival Club.

First off, I'll introduce you to some of our staff.
-SkaterKidWhoPwns- This is the guy who is my 2nd in command. If you cannot get to me, go to him and he'll answer questions/comments/concerns.
...We have no other staff? Well then.

1. Do not ask "Can I join?" or any other variation of that comment. (instructions on how to join will come soon)
2. Do not make a "Scenario" (will be explained later) unless you are a member.
3. Don't be stupid, use logic and think as if you were in the actual situation. OF course it's unlikely that it will happen, but we ask that all visitors and members be serious and literate.
4. Do not question mod or my/skater's authority (unless a mod directly opposes it)
5. No overly smart-*ss comments against other members, visitors, or your superiors.
6. Do not make a Virus until you are a member. The sheet for making a virus will be given to you upon asking me or skater.
7. DO NOT. ABSOLUTELY NOT, ASK "CAN I JOIN?". I cannot stress this enough.

Now that all the rules are over with, I'll go over some Jargons (slang terms relating to "work&quot that we use here.

Scenario - This is a term we use for a situation that is meant to test the user (as well as give you something to do). These are non-linear, and are generally Hypotheticals. Any MEMBER can make a scenario. Scenarios are generally matched with a previous story/situation and they give the supplies you have on hand. As well as the supplies near you. There's also generally a map that goes with it.

Virus, Parasite, Infection - These are the general types of a zombie virus. If there is not a previous virus that is mentioned before a virus or a plan, it is automatically changed to the current dominant virus (Goliath). Goliath will be explained later in the OP.

Zed - Is the common nickname for Zombie. I.E. "Yo dude I just shot up some Zeds!" Or: "Gah! That d**n ZED bit me!"

Well that's it for the terminology! Here's the dominant virus. It's gone through plenty of tweaking, and I think it's pretty much the most realistic virus in the club (aside from hungers). If no other virus is specified before a Scenario or a plan, this is the virus to be used.
Name - Goliath Syndrome
Type - Parasite
Speed - Leisurely walking speed (2-4 MPH)
Sounds - A mild groan, much like a man/woman in pain. No screaming comes from the virus.
Infection - Infection comes from the cells. If so much as a skin cell gets into you, you'll be quickly infected (aprox. 10-160 minutes, depending on strength and immune system of the user). It contracts a lot like AIDS, but it can be ANY cell, be it secretion or meat.
Hunting - It hunts by smell and hearing. It can't see that well, but strong light in the dark will attract it. Best time to attack one is in the daytime. They can't see in detail but they can see blurry instances of light, I.E., a fire or a flashlight.
Other - Cannot swim. Cannot fly, cannot run, cannot climb.
Believability Factor - Goliath was made in a lab (Codename: Anthemia, which is a prototype of the virus. Can also be used for begginers). It hyper-evolved and infected a rat. THe rat got out and began to infect humans (as well as certain birds, causing the infection to be worldwide). What the parasite does is: It enters the body as an infected cell. From there, it infects all the other cells, coating them in a secretion that fends off any form of decomposer (In short, it makes the immune system of the host really powerful). Then, it randomly selects a cell in the body (it is generally a cell in the torso). It grows to about the size of a human heart. IT then crawls it's way into the brain. IT preforms a lobotomy and hooks into the brain, feeding it with a steady flow of required nutrients and oxygen. It shuts down all other systems besides the lungs and flushes out the blood in the body (the parasite provides the necessities for living brain), and spreads long, muscular tentacles across the zombie's body, becoming a puppeteer. The parasite feeds by slowly eating the host. IT'll take a couple of decades in order for the parasite to starve/suffocate.
Best ways to kill it - A shot to the head, killing either the parasite or the brain. A punctured lung will also kill it, but it'd take a couple of minutes for it to actually die.

How to become a member
First off, you need to make a plan. You have everything you would at home. IT would happen the moment you are typing up the answer. So if it happens at night, then it happened at night, happened at day, it happened at day. For the sake of not-cheating, we'll use AG time.
Then, you have to answer a Scenario. The Scenarios come every couple of pages.
Wait for Both the Plan and the Scenario to be graded. Each member has their own form of grading. Once it's been passed around me and Skater will figure out whether or not to let you in.
If you are not initially let in, do not be disheartened! You have unlimited tries to enter, and all members (should) give you tips to get a better plan.

Why the hell am I doing this?
Reasons vary. Some people in the club do think the Zompocolypse would actually happen, and some people (like myself) do it for fun and practice for writing. Others do it because they just like killing and surviving zombies, while keeping it pretty realistic.

Can I make a Virus?
Sure, if you give me a comment on my page I'll be happy to give you the layout for the virus.

Can I Join?
Scroll up and read the OP. Do it.

Can I make a Scenario?
If you are a member, sure. Just make sure it's somewhat realistic. There are no real parameters for it, it just has to be a situation. Try and make it hard, too.

I think that's pretty much it! There are a couple of tiddly bits for you guys, though:
Titles/Ranks - A title or a "rank" will be given to you if you do something outstandingly awesome, stupid, weird, or just plain out there while still keeping it realistic. For a list of the ranks/titles, visit my page.
Members - A list of the members can be found on either my, or skater's page.
Discussion - Discussions will be held every now and again, as a stand-in for a Scenario. There will be a topic in BOLD (BOLD, MEMBERS) to let you know what the Discussion is about.
and that is pretty much it.
Now then, have fun everyone!

  • 518 Replies
161 posts

Since I've always just kind of assumed the navy base was a haven, I guess it might not be the best choice now. However I do have a plan B, which was thought up by a very good friend of mine. He would lead it, so a few details aren't exactly memorized in my head. I'm pretty sure this is the general idea.

As previously stated, the outbreak would take at least a week (probably longer) to reach my area. So I would go to friend's house, and meet up with approx. 20 people he has included in his plan. In this group are: energy engineers, water engineers, weapons experts, well trained martial artists, construction engineers, and technological experts. That's as far as I know and I don't actually know everybody in the group. We would then split off into groups, each with its own car and everybody is armed with firearms. I would be in a group going to a local gas station. We would then drain as much gas as possible from the station. I would be one of 3 groups doing this at various stations. Some other groups would be securing large amounts of long lasting food (cans of soup, Ramen, beef jerkey, other similar items) from grocery stores. Another group would be tasked with the sole purpose of securing water for a week. Another few groups would be going to home depot and getting lots of concrete and other building materials. The final two and most important groups would go and take over the local ****'s Sporting Goods store. The people in these groups would have homemade explosives and heavy weaponry (my friend knows some pretty shady people who can in fact get these). We would all meet back up there and start securing the strip mall it is a part of. After that, we would start carefully allowing and regulating other people in. When winter hit zombies would be frozen, which would allow us ample time to go raiding of all the stores around us. We would keep low powered, small, quiet firearms and melee weapons with a reach of a few feet with us for fighting zombies. If people approached us with intents of attacking us, we would have assault rifles, rpg's, and possibly C4 to fight back with. We would set up a water purifying area within our base, gardens, and small farms to keep up with sustenance. The huge amounts of gas we secured earlier would keep us going for power during cloudy days (very likely), and we have people there who could set up solar panels. We would have a military-like social hierarchy, with people of all demographics in different ranks. If the military approached we would welcome them.

I may have gotten a few points wrong, and I don't have complete knowledge of the plan. I can 100% guarantee I would be kept in the group. Sorry if any details sound weird or out of place, like I said I'm not in charge. The plan makes sense in my head, but may have come out jumbled also.

842 posts

Dain skater you would prolly be a beast in a zombie apocalypse hahaha.
The ak would sure make quite a racket. And sure i am really going to need some sailing experience and stuff if im going to sail to cuba(I might start researching right now haha). By the way! I saw on i think it was history channel? How to survive something but i forgot. It was really good and entertaining. They said stay at home and wait a bit, then leave, take back roads. Try not to make noise, then they settled in and planted stuff and made a living. It was a good show.

22,207 posts

Well iko as far as the Naval base:

Even if the Admiral agreed to let you in....

Where is the nearest Naval base to you (I would assume on L. Michigan?), and how would you get there, as it is in a highly urban area and you lack the weapons [or have not stated] to fight off more than 3.

22,207 posts

@iko that was to your plan on the last page

Not only that, but the books are effectively useless for survival

until I learn how to use the rifle from the books and practice.

I can probably find how to build an engine or some other kind of generator in a book

I think that the nonfiction books will prove useful, as they can tell me what kind of materials will be most useful, how to build, etc. etc.

aren't contradictions amusing?

something loud like a bunch of pots and pans to alert me if someone is down there so I can activate the explosives.

Well it all depends on your priorities:
Do you want them knowing you are there and after being ROFLWTFBBQ'd by the explosives, attract even more zombies as well as humans from all the ruckus?
Or maybe a more simple system not involving explosions and noise (though having explosives on hand would be a good thing).

's also possible I could just take them from pharmacies.

have fun with those huge bolts.

and any enemies I find I will knock out and loot but STEALTHILY

You has mad ninja skillz? and know how to knock somebody out?

Camouflage Clothes

From what strange divine path hath this item been ushered forth from?
26,390 posts

Not only that, but the books are effectively useless for survival

until I learn how to use the rifle from the books and practice.

I can probably find how to build an engine or some other kind of generator in a book

I think that the nonfiction books will prove useful, as they can tell me what kind of materials will be most useful, how to build, etc. etc.

What I meant was, they are seen as useless, so no one will go after them.

You has mad ninja skillz? and know how to knock somebody out?

Actually, I do. Not ninjutsu, but still a martial art.

Do you want them knowing you are there and after being ROFLWTFBBQ'd by the explosives, attract even more zombies as well as humans from all the ruckus?
Or maybe a more simple system not involving explosions and noise (though having explosives on hand would be a good thing).

Mebbe...gas trap?
Hey, that's actually plausible. If I could get ahold of a gas mask...ohaithar! I already have Haz-Mat suit with mask, so I guess that knockout gas or nerve gas would be just as effective while still being silent. The problem is how to contain it...

From what strange divine path hath this item been ushered forth from?

Just for a ninja look, I really don't need it. xP
22,207 posts

going to a local gas station. We would then drain as much gas as possible from the station

You say it will take about a week... Law and Order would still be in place, and the panic would start once the Zeds were like 2 days away or so.....

See above for the rest of the 'Supply' step.

assault rifles, rpg's, and possibly C4 to fight back with

Did y'all already have this before the group left?

We would set up a water purifying area within our base, gardens, and small farms to keep up with sustenance

How so? it's a strip mall, there are few above-windows.....
372 posts

I'm going to try to address your previous post respectfully, so I don't get banned again, sk8er.

Muse you own an AR? I like them, but the size makes them a bit impracticall.

This pretty much depends upon height. I'm ~5'8" and have no problems holding the rifle.

Teh shotgun is good at close range, but it is better to use a melee weapon at that point. Shotguns are load, have a good bit of kick (depending o nthe shotgun) are poor at long range, and have a spread, making hard to get a head shot

Buckshot will hit the target ~30 yards out. Slugs will hit the target ~100-150 yards out. Shotguns, by no means, follow the 5 foot rule found in videogames. There are other types of ammunition that let them reach out farther than slugs, but they're much rarer and not good to rely on because of this.
161 posts


I never mentioned books, I know back roads and bike paths to the base, and since i am not part of the agriculture or attack groups I would not deal with that. I'm assuming the people with those jobs know what they are doing. I would mostly be involved with the job of technology and morale. Sorry if that sounds really bad, but I trust people to not f*** up.

324 posts

My comments for most of the scenarios is very simple.

I'm seeing quite a bit of impressive firepower. While this may seem like a good idea, please keep in mind about their availability and weight.

ARs, RPGs, and C4 would be a bit difficult to procure, in my opinion, unless you happened to have them before hand. Most military installations would have M-16s on them, perhaps a few AR-15s, little or no RPGs, and probably very, very little C-4. Even if you were able to occupy a military base, (which I would NOT recommend,) during or after a stage 5 panic, most of those types of weapons would be either locked up, or handed out, or scattered among the dead, and undead.

You may be able to find a few rifles, machine guns (which I don't recommend,) or a bit of C-4, but you would have to procure them from the dead, and dodging the undead while you were at it.

Here are my comments on the weapons of choice I've seen:

C-4 serves no possible useage that I can think of in a survival scenario. It is cumbersome, requires experience to handle and prep, and the fuses are easily damaged/broken. Besides, explosions are not really effective against undead. You may blow off some limbs, but it doesn't pack the punch needed to decimate a zed. You may as well chuck grenades at them, which, by the way, would be far more plentiful than C-4.

RPGs are soviet weaponry and would more than likely NOT even be found on any military base or included in any domestic defense. They are slow, unpredictable and each round weighs nearly 10 lbs, (the launcher weighs an additional 8 lbs). Not exactly what you want to tote around, if you have to defend for any long period of time. Also, RPGs and the American equivelent, the AT-4, are basically grenades with a rocket on the back, soooo...again, not very effective against undead.

AR-15s, should you get your lucky little hands on them, are fine, if you can shoot them effectively. Lighter than shotguns and most civilian rifles, the 5.56 round offers a nice punch, with substantially less kick than a shotgun. However, they would be rare, (you would find more M-16s, which have a longer stock), and require a proper zeroing and constant cleaning, or they have a tendancy to jam.

Keep in mind that survival has much less to do with turning yourself into a human tank than avoiding fights and gathering supplies and people in order to increase your overall chances.

Remember that the major difference between you and a zedhead, besides the whole eating people tendancy, and maybe the smell, is that you have a functional BRAIN that can reason and plan.

The old mantra of "use your head, or become a zed" pretty much sums it up, I think

4,375 posts

AR-15s, should you get your lucky little hands on them, are fine, if you can shoot them effectively. Lighter than shotguns and most civilian rifles, the 5.56 round offers a nice punch, with substantially less kick than a shotgun. However, they would be rare, (you would find more M-16s, which have a longer stock), and require a proper zeroing and constant cleaning, or they have a tendancy to jam.

I have know six people with them. Full auto versions would be ahrd to find, but the semi autos would be pretty easy to come by.

As for RPGs, and claymores, they would end up blowing them sleves up and calling everything within two miles to them.
372 posts


AR-15s are very common rifles that shoot an even more common round. If you live in the country, it wouldn't be very difficult to get your hands on one. Furthermore, 5.56 is a weak round intended to kill small game, though it could perform alright within a couple hundred yards. As for the recoil, a 20ga shotgun has similar kick to an AR. Also, the difference between an M16 and an AR15 are the internal workings and the availability to civilians, not stock length.

Try not to take this offensively, but it appears you've already had your head filled with the stereotypical "AR's/M16's jam". This is completely untrue. Unless you're in an extremely harsh environment (sand constantly blowing, for example) and AR & M16 will perform very well with little to no jamming on the guns' part.

Lastly, it's not hard to zero in an AR one bit, and if you happen to find an M16, chances are it'll already be good to go.

26,677 posts

There are over a dozen firearms in my house and more than sufficient ammo. I am well trained in their use and have full access. We live far in the country away from any highly populated areas. We are also at the top of a hill so we have a strategetic advantage. We have cattle vegetables and a fresh water spring on the property so food will not be a problem. The neighbor has a HAM radio and a high capacity generator (as well as additional armaments). We have highly sufficient man power and can quickly reinforce the stronghold and have many other back up residences. We are a family of mechanics and pyromaniacs so we can easily improvise a mechanism to be used for defense or offense. We also have many tools, both mechanical and agricultural, that can be used for its original purpose or as an improvised weapon. My strategy is to make a stronghold and several smaller encampments and horde a large supply of resources. We will have to face very few zombies as there are very few people. In a war of attrition, we are well trained, well supplied and prepared for anything, they're already dead.

26,677 posts

>To ComradeWolf's scenario posted 5/14/10
I would have the woman throw a molotov in the general direction of the moaning, both for offense and lighting. Get out of the train and head for the exit firing into the hordes. The few zombies should quickly fall in the face of an AK-47 in a confined space. Quite an easy scenario.

6,800 posts


Zeds would drown, or swept away by currents. And parasites and bacteria would be killed in my food/water through the high heat that would result froj cooking/boiling. And I also would make devices to catch rain water and I have seeds, so I don't even need to fish.

The barrier Islands on my coast are small, but far away from shore to be safe, but close enough to make the trek possible. They have a few trees, which I would use to make a more permament shelter or barricades.

a swampbed is a riverbed but in a swamp.

XD A swamp bed is a suspened platform above the ground to protect you from animals and other such things in the swamp. Make it higher, and your safe from Zeds.

Simple guide on how to make a Swamp Bed.
161 posts

I said to have heavy firearms and explosives to fight other people if they are hostile, not zombies. You also can make homemade explosives that work pretty well. Please don't ask me to post how

Showing 436-450 of 518