As most of us know, recently a volcano in Iceland erupted, spewing ash into the sky. The ash cloud is already over 30,000 feet above sea level, so, it will go global. So, are you affected in any way by this ash? This crisis is affecting the whole world, especially in economics.
I am not personally effected yet. But a lot of my friends were going on a school trip to Germany over this spring break. Now, I have no idea if they are there or not. If they got stuck here, I hope they at least got a refund, that trip was a hundreds of dollars per person...
18 of my schools teacher and 8 assitant teachers a re stranded somewhere. Somehow, 1 teacher got lent a 1960's MG and drove from Turkey(i think) all the way to France and ferry to UK.
A book I ordered is stranded in the UK until further notice. It is not much, but it's important enough to me to follow whether or not the airports are open and so.
No seriously, in Australia it has so far had little effect except a bunch of news stories about a woman who had to get married over the Internet.
Lol, same here too. Women got married over the internet in Dubai or something. Here in New Zealand the effects aren't bad yet. Mostly news on how other people are doing badly.
But its the exporters and importers that are hurt. And the stranded tourists and travelers.
I'm not all that affected, but my Geography teacher is stuck in India, which I think is funny. Everyone in my grade is happy, we think it's karma for giving us a huge assignment while he was there.
My brother is currently stuck in Italy having taken a ferry from Athens to Venice and a train to Milan. He won't be able to get back til friday and it's really screwed up his work schedule. Lols aside at jokes about Iceland farting on Europe, this is a pretty big deal for lots of people.
On a sidenote, I love The Sun's (Brit tabloid) headline ''We want your cash not your ash''.
I love the story about the Royal Navy ships going to spain to pick up troops and picking up tourists as well... I think the HMS Albion is the only one at the moment sent to Spain to get some people but I heard something about the HMS Arc Royal a few days ago doing the same but nthing since... oh well.
The only person I've heard about locally is someone who workls with my mum; she's in Italy and her hotel won't give her a room and she's had to sleep rough which smacks of bs to me.... if she can't find a hotel, youth hostel or British embassy to sleep in I would be shocked; sure it would be expensive but they haven't disapeared.