It certainly seems like when that volcano went off every one was screaming "OH MY GOD! OUR TRAVEL PLANS! NOOOOOO!" Yes, Yes, thats terrible, but what about the people actually in Iceland! Are we so concerned about our vacations we can't spare a thought for the people that are dieing and losing their homes? I wonder what would have happened if that quake in Haiti inconvenienced us Americans an Europeans. Would we still have cared about the dead and the dieing?
As far as I am aware there haven't been any deaths due to the icelandic eruption. It happened underground (mostly) so most of what got out was just the now infamous ash cloud..... yes 500 people were evacuated but that was for the first eruption about a month before. However I understand where you are coming from people always care about things that affect us directly we can only feel so much empathy towards others before we need to be directly affected to care anymore I find.
I believe they are use to it, and it is nothing but a bit annoying to them. It's a bit like this winter where a lot of snow fell for once. It kept snowing, and it just was there for months. After the first two months, everyone in Denmark was just "Oh, more snow? *shrug* Whatever." Even when roofs fell down their ears (usually in stable-buildings), people were just glad no one got hurt, and if a cow or two was/had to be killed, it was mostly the same. People get use to it. As for the empathy, I believe it is based on the fact that no one had been killed yet, to my understanding, and that no one you know are on Iceland in the danger zone.
No one has died but many people had problems breathing, and there seems to be a layer of almost concrete like substance carpeting the ground and roofs, they were using shovels to get it off last I saw, but it surprised me because I didn't think the ash could cause so many problems.
Umm... tomer, actually, many places in Europe had to cancel ALL their flights. I don't know where you've been getting your news from, but that's what happened, I don't know further than that though,
There's people in trouble in Iceland, and academics are thinking name to the disease caused by the ash cloud. Current name is pneumonoultraÂmicroscopicoÂsilicovulcanoconiosis.
Umm... tomer, actually, many places in Europe had to cancel ALL their flights. I don't know where you've been getting your news from, but that's what happened, I don't know further than that though
It wasn't just travel story I heard was a few thousand roses not being able to get delivered to Europe from Africa...which means loottsss of money lost...
but it surprised me because I didn't think the ash could cause so many problems.
Pompeii was a mix of ash and lava, however I was referring more to the modern era... Rilee, because lava can be diverted ash apparently is invincible to all of our efforts...
Sorry about that typo I meant Yielee... also the ash can lower temperatures all over the world in fact if there is a large enough volcano all life on earth could be wiped out because the ash would block all the sunlight from reaching us...eventually our planet would end up looking like a desert...