Zombieland ---------------> I think Zombieland or Z land as they say in the movie, is one of the best action comedy ive seen, and i love Woody Harrelson's character Tallahasse, he's nuts and awesome. Who do you think is the best character/actor in the movie? also what is your favorite scene?
Love it!
and if you have any tips on a good movie let me know ;>
This movie was epic, I couldn't stop laughing, Tallahassee was by far the funniest character in the movie, there were only two times he got beat out 1. piano dropped on zombie and 2. shooting Bill Murray...
I love Cardio, that was funny, how they were in the aprking lot and he was running and the two zombies chasing him were slowing down, and his car was actually unlocked.
Yeah it's one of the best zombie movies ever made. But truthfully nothing will ever be as good as Dawn of the Dead that movie was just epic. It's really funny but not as funny as Shaun of the Dead and it's fun. My favorite character was definitely Woody xD