I love this show.I just found out the world will end on Decmeber 12 2016.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!Good part its not in 2012.Post Flash Forward stuff here.
I watched that scene too. The camera freezes on the victim/FBI guy, while the red laser dot wiggles on his chest. Camera is now on FBI partner guy and he's being real cool while it seems HE ONLY HAS TO MOVE TWO WIRES, but of course, for hollywood tension, takes 12 minutes to do. The camera's back on victim FBI guy, now the dot has crept up to his throat. Camera back to FBI partner guy and the bomb clock reset itself back to the original 10 sec, or so. By this point I'm really glad I didn't waste my time watching the show, I was on the computer and just listening to it, Boring!
I was being sarcastic and forgot to include that word after my last sentence. The scene however was boring. I'm glad Demitri lived and the other FBI partner lived. I want Demitri and His fiance to get married! BTW, on the other thread, "V', I've invited folks to comment on Flash Forward as well so, yes, I like the show.
Wajor dont copy me and when mark had to move the gun why does he move towards his face?That was funny when the picture of demeitri got hit 3 times in the chest.lol
Wajor dont copy me and when mark had to move the gun why does he move towards his face?That was funny when the picture of demeitri got hit 3 times in the chest.lol
If you're asking me not to copy these questions onto the other thread "V", don't worry, I think it died. Why did Mark while trying to disconnect the gun move the gun's laser dot towards Demitri's face? I think that was more of a camera angle trick so that what we saw was the same as the photo of Demitri up on the wall. Now that I've watched the entire show, why didn't Mark photograph the wall? He knew who he was up against and that he really didn't want Demitri to die. Let's face it, Demitri would have been dead in the apartment if that was the case.
The story is cool but everything is else isnt so great... I find it boring and I just need to change the channel whenever its on. I find it weird at times.
Oh I see. But he had to concentrate on not shooting his partner, and he was running out of time, so he couldn't, and he didn't expect for the board to be erased.
Mark had plenty of time after the gun was discharged and disconnected. I know, Mark was bleeding and Demitri had been strapped to that chair for hours. It's natural he would want to at least stand up.
Do you think Janice is going to do what she's asked?
I think Jericho's gone too far with this demand. Janice was recruited by Benford so she's got to tell him what they want. His death can be faked... For those of you who don't know, Janice is a triple agent. She's a FBI agent first, then Benford recruited her as an agent for the CIA. Her assignment for the CIA was to accept an invitation from Jericho to be a mole and supply Jericho with FBI info, while all along she's keeping the CIA informed as well. When the actual "event" happened that Janice was told to watch out for, she wasn't told what the event was going to be, or when. She was ready to quit Jericho the same day of the blackout but she was told she couldn't. By the time of the blackout, she had already been working for, and getting paid by Jericho for two years.
oops, me bad, Mark Benford is Janis Hawk's FBI boss. Vogel is the name of the CIA agent who recruited Janis. The rest of what I said is accurate. I reviewed Flashforward's web site on ABC to get the names straight. Also, I was misspelling Demetri's Noh's name.
But when did it say it was Jericho? And my revised question is: Do you think Janice is going to kill Mark Benford like she was asked to?
I'm getting the name Jericho from Mark Benford's boss and Aaron Stark. Stark is the man who's gone to Afghanistan to look for his daughter. The daughter was kidnapped by Jericho and taken back to Afghanistan because of something she witnessed while a soldier, stationed there. Whew! Jericho is also the name that Simon and Lloyd refers to to describe the organization behind D.Gibbons, aka dead man that wrote all of that stuff on the wall...
Now, for your question. Does Janis have a choice? Like I said earlier, the FBI can fake Mark's death. But it's apart of Vogel's flashforward that he's at Mark's house when he receives the phone call telling him he's dead. Then he's repeating it to another FBI agent at the open back door and Charlie, Mark's daughter, hears those words, "Mark Benford is dead".