Hello, Im Osmar38, I`ve been playing this game for a long time and i want to tell ALL my secrets of Chaos Faction 1, for example: surviving the A-bomb, vanish the enemy`s shield and invulnerability...
How to survive the Atom Bomb: -It needs some practice, speed boost and jump boost should help in this one, when the bomb is about to blow up(less than 1 second) jump offscreen and return, in the exact time(you will need a few opportunities).
How to break the enemy`s shield and invulnerability: -Just pause the game and wait, its very simple it also works when you are frozen(Im not sure about it) and when you get caught in the mouse traps.
How to defeat the enemies quickly: -I will make a video for it, I need some patience
And now, the challenge, try to kill 60 enemies with that you´ve learned in this guide, walktrough w/e