ForumsWEPRBlooming a star ON EARTH?!

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Basically, these scientists are planning to use a powerful laser to create a nuclear reaction that will make a tiny star. The first trial is set for late this summer.

They are claiming to end the energy crisis.

I mean, in theory, I am very excited. But, this seems so science fiction I feel like I am in a dream.

I ask AG:

1. Do you think it is safe even in an underground bunker with 6.5 ft thick concrete walls? (given, we are not scientists here)

2. I would like to know what you think the world would be like with out having to use fossil fuels, electricity, etc?

  • 63 Replies
1,714 posts

This sounds oddly familiar...

I don't think this kind of thing should be attempted on Earth. Stars are exceptionally powerful objects that should not be experimented with on a planet with 6-7 billion lives at stake.

I don't think we could ever stop using electricity, just the current ways to generate it. But having something to replace fossil fuels would be great. Its too bad we have such a dependency on them.

141 posts

Well, any one who has seen Spider Man 2 know what could possiable go wrong. But no, I personally do not think that our knowledge and technology is sophisticated enough to handle such a powerful amount of energy

1,416 posts

I can't decide whether I want to make a spiderman reference, or a death star reference.

1. I think it is completely safe. The reaction will last a split second, and the "star" will be extremely small. Fusion, unlike fission, does not produce radioactive fallout (if I'm wrong about that, correct me), thereby making this much more safe than a nuclear power plant.

2. I would feel much less guilty about using electricity, which means I would use it more. If it was cheap as well as clean, then travel would be much less expensive. Right now, I can't really afford to go anywhere. If planes did not need fossil fuels, I think many more people (myself included) would be inclined to travel more.

5,001 posts

1. I think it is completely safe. The reaction will last a split second, and the "star" will be extremely small. Fusion, unlike fission, does not produce radioactive fallout (if I'm wrong about that, correct me), thereby making this much more safe than a nuclear power plant.

You are correct, there. It does not emit high-level radioactive waste. From what I can read, it is similar harnessing steam power.

2. I would feel much less guilty about using electricity, which means I would use it more. If it was cheap as well as clean, then travel would be much less expensive. Right now, I can't really afford to go anywhere. If planes did not need fossil fuels, I think many more people (myself included) would be inclined to travel more.

It makes me really excited to see what the economy would look like if we all actually could afford to fly and travel more. That would boost businesses and tourism everywhere.
141 posts

(Forgot to answer #2)
Society realies so much on electricty and Earth's Resources that they don't realize that we are over using them. Those weirdoes and freaks that we see talking about "Save the planet" and "The end is near" are right. Pretty soon, we will run out of all these Earth's resources if we keep using them at the rate we are using them now.
As for electricty, we DEPEND on it. What if a global solar flare would hit the Earth and caused blackouts, we have depended on electricty for so long that we would be done. So the answer to your question is I do not think that Earth could survive w/o those resources

818 posts

My view on this project varies. If it were created how do we know it won't grow from engulfing its own energy, and grow to such an enormity that it destroys the earth. It may reduce the waste and pollution that is created by fossil fuels, but wouldn't it create waste of its own? It also would emit rays that are harmful, and we would have no protection from these rays. (The atmosphere filters the rays from the sun.)

5,001 posts

adios, you somewhat bring up a point of mine in this topic. Sorry, you have to be the demonstrator for this. And no offense, by the way.

You're views, like mine on this subject, vary because we do not have the knowledge to make an informed opinion on the matter. I think the next step is to find some kind of layman's outline of how this thing would really work.

5,838 posts

As far as I know there are a number of projects around the world (I think a US, a European and an Asian) and they are all at least a few decades away from making any of this comerical. At the moment they know the principle of nuclear fusion but they are putting more energy in than they are getting out. (Though this is getting better everytime they fire up their machines). I don't know if it can use it's own energy to engulf the world as adios194 put it since it is tiny and held in a strong magnetic field to keep the machine safe from the extreme temperatures. As said it doesn't give off any of the toxic waste fusion does while emitting far more energy. In tis example a laser is focused on a tiny pellet, not even marble sized, but any harmful radiation made won't harm anyone. Anyone who's seen people working in a nuclear fission power plant will see the procedures they use to stop any harm from radiation and similar protocls will be followed here.

3,437 posts

I think this is safe, because no doubt if something goes wrong there are fail safes. They have also probably thought of harmful rays and what not, so I have no worries on that.

This excites me. We need a solution and here is a perfect one should we perfect the technology. We could have a mini dysonsphere on earth! stars, even small ones have so much energy we could abandon fossil fuels in the near future if this works.

1,416 posts

it were created how do we know it won't grow from engulfing its own energy, and grow to such an enormity that it destroys the earth.

We have already tested fusion bombs that are far more large/powerful/uncontrolled than the experiment being conducted here. The earth was not destroyed.
5,001 posts

I think this is safe, because no doubt if something goes wrong there are fail safes. They have also probably thought of harmful rays and what not, so I have no worries on that.

I used to think the same thing, until that rig exploded in the gulf recently. Where was the fail-safe there? The oil has hit the shores! I am not an expert and knew that was going to happen.
1,416 posts

I used to think the same thing, until that rig exploded in the gulf recently. Where was the fail-safe there? The oil has hit the shores! I am not an expert and knew that was going to happen.

Fission and oil are completely different things. Our mechanical equipment fails. The laws of chemistry are constant. The laws of Chemistry don't "break" like an oil rig valve. Fission reactions are completely safe and secure.

355 posts

very simmply noone has thought of the life sycle of a star it grows then it gets bigger then it blow up
so theoreticly after a couple years of this so called small star which compared to the rest of the univese would be a miniscule star since the sun is a small star

but the only thing that i have with this is to create a reation like that it would need massive ammounts energy which would destroy the entire purpose

5,061 posts

Kirby a star does get bigger after a certain point it expands enormously into something known as a Red giant,in our case this giant will engulf the earth...

In my opinion it probably will be safe because of it's size, and at the worst that could happen is probably just that they fail...

Travel prices will drop like a rock, as will energy prices in general, it'll be much easier to be able pump water and what not, since energy will be so easily provided for.

As for electricty, we DEPEND on it. What if a global solar flare would hit the Earth and caused blackouts, we have depended on electricty for so long that we would be done. So the answer to your question is I do not think that Earth could survive w/o those resources

Energy can not be created or destroyed. Even if all our capabilities for tech were gone the ability to harness them again would still be there.
5,061 posts

Sorry about the double post, and kirby I didn't see that bit about the red giant that posted ignore my comment lol

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