Flared nostril ridges, wide unblinking eyes...if you ever, EVER, see this face, Barney, run...and don't take a picture of it she will punch you...and you will cry...for the third time...that night.
'Twas the night before New Year's and the weather grew mean. 'Twas three in the morning and I was stranded in Queens! The tavern grew empty, the gaslights grew dim. The horse-drawn carriages were all but snowed in.
How could you guys forget the legendary 'Suit up!' O_o
On a related note, the part where Barney gets called about slapcountdown.com is just beyond awesome, it's that great. Sadly, I can't quote it, otherwise I would have!
OMG!!! Can't Believe I Forgot that!! 'Ted Met me at the bar and suit up' 'Wheres your suit? For once i wish you would suit up!' "I Did that one time" 'That Was A Blazer'