I'm currently in my first year of media and communication school. The most of our schoolwork is usually done on the computers and we often have some spare time between classes or towards the end of bigger projects, leaving us some room to play games! Sadly our biggest enemy, the schools IT department is doing a good job blocking gamesites like AG. Usually any internet site with the name "game" in it will be stopped in their filters, but not AG for some strange reason. However, if we trye to run a game it will not load, the site will come up, but the mid area where the game should be will be white and wont load the game. Any idea what they have done? is it a specific port that need to be open or something? Any clues of how to fix this? All help is much appreciated!
If you use FireFox for your internet browser, it shouldn't block anything.
Actually, the schools internet block things from all web browsers. But I guess it depends on how smart your school is. I swear my school tries to block anything that doesn't go along with what they want. They blocked the cached Wikepedia!
Well, I don't have to worry about that at my school, if the teacher catches us on any site remotely suspicious, we're kicked from the computer lab for 2 weeks >.>
The IT's at our school are not only fairly evil, but they also are extremely smart going as far as blocking every proxy within a matter of days of use(you can get banned from using the internet service if you get caught using one), and almost every game site you can find whether it has the word game in it or not tends to get blocked. Of course I have found a way to trick the system, but regardless your schools network may block embedded .swf files from loading on the website(as others have already pointed out). Its much more evil then anything they have tried over where I go to school.
They blocked AG (and all other game sites) at my school, and nearly every single proxy site. They left ipsafety.net unblocked. I usually don't find time to go to AG, so yeah. School got me to sign documents upon enrollment concerning IT usage.
How about trying to do schoolwork? BTW I found a game you can play on the school computer! First go to amiplanet.com. Then go to anonymous browser. Then go to helicoptergame.net. There you can play the original helicopter! YAY! I found this out like 4 years ago.