Forums → Game Walkthroughs → Epic War 2 3 Bosses Walkthrough
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Hello, I'm Highfire and yes, I know there is already another post of this but it has long since been gone, or unseen by most people. I am going to give the same walkthrough through easier and more understandable words.
First. You will need all (for the most part) Achievements done, you will need to do these things for it:
1. Hobbit - Read Credits and Instructions.
2. Dwarf - Continue the same game 3 times after starting it. (Exit, Continue, Exit, Continue, Exit Continue, done.)
3. Suicide Bomber - You will need to be own-- defeated 3 times, this isn't required but may be helpful in sooner levels.
Heavy Units, these are ones mostly required in boss fights and prove the most effective.
4. Red Dragon - Being in Wales is one way, but for this you need to defeat The End on the 17th (second to last) level.
5. Angel Knight - Complete the Technology Tree for each race.
6. Devil's Demon (pun intended) - Defeat the Devil, huh?
Titan, Unique to each race and boasting maximum (for the players units) Health, these can be very powerful, but very costly, all your mana at once, at maximum.
Before trying any of the last boss fights (16th, 17th and 18th levels), you should first complete all achievements that can be prior to the 16th level.
This way this strategy will be able to help you undoubtedly defeat the enemy.
As the strategy you would like to be the Elves as, well, they're awesome, let's face it. They got the best ranged attacks and stylish features and Green is awesome when you think about it. What else you got, Blue? Come on, we're not in the sky. And Red? You kiddin' me, I don't see what's so good about looking dead, and yet they talk about strength and honor... Ranty ranty. Anyway...
Elves are the best for their lowest costing Elf Apprentices which are essential in these attacks.
When you begin you will have roughly 1,000 Mana. From this you can absorb 2 Tower upgrades which are essential. Keep using the Tower with small waves (about 20) of Elf Apprentices, to help suppress the enemy as you gain your mana.
Keep absorbing the upgrades, eventually if you find yourself without the maximum mana limit for the last upgrade (been a while since playing) then don't upgrade it "manually". All you need to do is keep upgrading your lowest costing buildings (Barracks - 100 mana, then archery - 150 mana, so on so forth.) to improve your limit. Once you get just over the limit you should upgrade the tower again, instead of trying to upgrade the others.
After keeping up the Apprentice attacks and upgrades finish off the others from lowest mana cost to highest, like last time. You shall start using the "manual" mana boost whilst still keeping up the waves when needed (probably won't be necessary with the fully upgraded tower, try it).
Once maximized you should stop all Apprentice attacks and start sending in Heavy Units, while on the Toad Level (16th), you will only have the Angel Knight available, so keep sending them in. Twist is that you don't only buy the Angel Knight, first, Angel Knight due to their awesome power against all enemy units across the battlefield, and their castle. Second you should buy the ultimate-ish... Er, really good Titan which can suck up much damage. While you keep attacking the enemies (and easily killing them with tha bomb...) you will eventually break to the castle. BOOM! It's down, right? Come on, you should have them now. Anyways, when it's down a giant, freaking troll-toad (troll for stone) spewing an ice river or, water or w/e he has within him-- itself, for 350 damage each tick. This will be very tight indeed, so...
(Note: You MUST save your powers from both the castle and the tower after beginning to send in Heavy Units.)
You need to dig in with all you got, both Heavy Units and all 3 powers from the castle and tower. You should either:
A. Put him down one inch away from your castle.
B. Panic, turn off your computer and retry.
C. Ragequit.
D. Have half your castle removed while you (attempt?) to vapourize him.
There's also another one which is:
E. Have half your castle removed while you attempt to vapourize him from one inch away, go into a raging panic and turn off your computer and quit it.
Congratulations! You killed a Troll-Toad, but can you kill the Dark-Drake? I think he's a Drake, y'see he's created from the Devil himself and so he may be Dragonkin with Lizard and such. I don't know, don't ask !
Now, despite what I had just said, he's, somehow, easier. This time he nearly touches the top of the screen and also does 999 damage per tick, but slower attacks, as well as being slower - but with (as I remember) 990,000 Health. So... w t f?
Easier as in you won't reach Option B, C or E, if you try the same tactic as Troll-Toad, Dark-Drake is just as easy.
Congratulations! You have just defeated Dark-Drake! You now need to kill Dare-Devil, THE biggest of them all, except he's crouching so he doesn't look it. It's all the same, standing up, sitting down, pixels.
This guy is indeed VERY hard.
For the most part it's the same thing, however...
1. You now have a new Dragon.
2. He doesn't move.
Now you're probably thinking "Doesn't move? Good?!" but for some who think ahead, yes, he deals it from afar *group gasps*. Yes! It's true! *fearful gossip* But, but... you can still beat him with the same tactic with few exceptions:
1. Only have ONE Angel Knight at any one time during the fight with him.
2. Speed is essential, make sure you keep the flow of Heavy Units and Titan's.
3. Spend from lowest to highest: Dragon - Angel Knight - Titan. Then spend according to which Cooldown goes first (first available).
The reasons for these is:
Speed - he does a Ground Pound doing 500 damage to your Castle each time, you need to keep him down.
One Angel Knight - my favourite unit but is subject to a debuff. He heals the Devil with his magical Beam attack, the reason you should keep one is to keep the healing off of him, but keep one to still suppress him with the sword swipe and the beam against the painful units that flock to help him.
Spend from lowest to highest at first - it helps the flow, while you can simply:
1. Set Titan first, for tanking.
2. Set Angel Knight first, for Beam.
3. Set Dragon first, for low cost and good Health (compared to Angel Knight).
I haven't experimented with all, only Number 3, but I believe they will all work.
Congratulations! You have beat Dare-Devil, now what? Will you continue playing for whichever reason? I occasionally visit it when I'm bored to death (rare).
Final Note: The tactics for Dare-Devil are:
1. Upgrade Tower twice.
2. Keep upgrades.
3. Upgrade from lowest to highest when the maximum mana pool isn't enough for next tower. (Not sure if this is needed.)
4. Fully upgrade tower (if Number 3 is followed).
5. Upgrade everything else preferably from lowest ot highest.
6. Upgrade maximum mana pool until it is 9,999 maximum.
1 to 6. Keep up Apprentice Raids of about 20 until you reach 7.
7. Attack with Heavy Units and Titans (preferably from lowest cost to highest).
8. When the Devil busts out throw everything you got at him, rocks, sticks, most of all - PIXELZ!
9. Feel sorry for the lost pix-- lives and be happy it is all over.
10. Watch the writing at the end and lose relief.
11. Look for Epic War 3, to find out it has a different Storyline.
12. Ragequit.
I hope you have enjoyed this tour of sad things, which make us happy as we sort it out (apparently life isn't that way). I wish you luck during the battle against the Devil, and I appreciate your reading of this unpleasant walkthrough - again, maybe.
See you later!
- H