Though yes, at the moment it is a necessity, things considered "natural" can all be replaced within a hundred years, so unless we attempt genocide on every species then we will be fine by the time the "nature" was destroyed. I feel like natural things are mostly a tool to earn money at the moment, for many "green" products cost more, are less effective, and do little in the means of helping the "environment". People should stop worrying about problems that are not problems that are not problems and focus on things that matter. Money being spent to research said "green" attempts should be redirected to robotics, as robotics can mimic and even improve upon "natural" things. So, why are so many people obsessed with "natural, Nature, green" things? (I would have to guise propaganda. PS, please keep flaming to a minimum since someone is probably going to flame me...)
The question is not why are so many people concerned about the environment, it's why aren't enough people concerned about proper spelling when they create a topic.
The minute humans try to control or modify something it becomes artificial. Its course without humans is altered. Earth is artificial.
This has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Iran, North Korea, other radical states.
I find it a little weird and unreliable that your basis for argument is what will happen in a 'hundred years'...
Possibilities are always as important as realities as they may one day become the realities. My general argument was that technology "reproduce" while nature can.
Well I might go on a rant later but I'm too lazy to now, but my main thought is that I want my future children to be able to see the world as I have seen it (minus the bad parts). I don't want my children to be obsessed with technology. I want them to be able to see how beautiful some nature is.
The only thing constant in this world is change. Dinosaurs were here now they are not. Same goes for everything else. Today, the things we consider natural will be considered anomilies by our kids. Call me mean but I dont give a rat's arse about nature. If my kids are destined to live, they will live, may be not like me, may be underground but that will b natural for them.