game doesn't need a walkthrough, but thought I'd cover the weapons I had when I finished. keep in mind this is without repeating a single stage, and only had that slow cloud thing maxed out.
I ended up with one or two upgrades to base and turret armor, gatling and missle at lvl 6, the temporus cloud maxed, and got plasma cannon to lvl 1, but only barely.
My main strategy was to put a cloud on a portal after some gatling defenses were raised, then put the plasma cannon to work doing as much damage I could to the enemy ships. in stages where multiple portals appeared, I'd upgrade one or two missle upgrades, max out 4 gatling turrets around the base, and deploy more where I need to, occasionally using the temporus cloud to keep my base from being overwhelmed, and getting plasma cannon made that easier. I managed to defeat the mothership using an armada of missle turrets, they got some crazy range and can smack any ships that get too close.
I threw nothing into those warships, so I've no idea how good or bad they might be in carrying me through to the end. looks like a minimum of 6 levels to gatling and/or missles, maxing the temporus cloud and getting main cannon to at least lvl 1 plasma was enough to finish the game. Anyone else use a different strategy? were the lasers worth using? I find their resource cost way too pricey to make them effective.
Keep in mind, this is all without repeating a stage, but put any tips you got here anyway. maybe I should repeat a few times.