ForumsGame Walkthroughswake the royalty level pack game walkthrough

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ok im new to making walkthrough's so i might not be the best out here so i decided to give it a shot and i do realise that there is already a walkthrough videos for this i just felt like making a walkthrough for it plus i can give a better description then a video can..

ok i will do the levels in order

1. just put streight board onto the tip of the sword

2. put the small angled board on the bottom part of the cart and the round piece where it looks like a head should be thus forming a guy on a cart

3. for the third level just put the small circle right under the other circle making it fall down and hit the long wood piece making it slide forward and hit the royalty

4. simple just attach the square to the brown hook thats by the male royalty

5. at the top right corner the small circle attach your bigger circle to the top of that circle making it tug on the rope

6. this ones pretty cool just attach your piece of wood to the circler spinning wood on the tower making it tip over and it will "walk" its self over under the royalty then attach your longer piece to the end of the piece you just attached to the "spinner thingy" thus tapping the royalty making him fall off

7. this ones bit more tricky but not too bad just attach the straight
poll to where its hanging off the right side of the poll thats standing up making it fall over then quickly attach the other pull to where its hanging far off the left side so that the ball doesnt just get stuck in that little crack

8. ok this one is tricky but if done right will work everytime im going to use the abc style for this one, a. attach your board at the top side of the right &quotrong, b. wait till the ball goes above the top of the left prong and attach the pole on the left side and it should work itself after that

9. this one is easy attach the pole to the top of the person looking thing and just wait it will work itself out

10. this one is all about building ok so before the "car" knocks down the gate put the long pull ontop standing up on the front of the car then once it knock it down put the other long one sticking from the left of the long pull you "stuck on top" now it should just tap the royalty and not wake him up once it taps him put the small stick on the back of the back wheel making your car flip out and push the royalty off the edge

11. simple put the stick on the inner part of the wheel making it push the car then make a ramp at the exit making the car fly out and hit the royalty

12. dont know if this is the real way but it works attach the big circle to the right side of the big suspended pole above everything then quickly attach the long thick pole to the candle thingy so its sticking right

13. the royalty in this ones going to get a bruise this ones easy just attach the circle to the bottom circle thats hanging making it pull the &quotlug" out then do the same for the top one

14. this one is easier then it looks just attach one of the poles to the right side of the top long pole and then attach another pole to the bottom pole right below that one making it slide forward then just keep on doing that till it knocks the royalty of the edge

15. attach the small paddle to the bottom of the spinny thingy and then attach the big paddle to the top of the spinny thingy

16. if you cant figure this one out by yourself your stupid

17. give the ninja star thingy something to hook on so it can crawl up the stairs

18. put a stick sticking out of the side of the car when the car is almost to the swing put a big block on the tip of the big pole at the top not at the very tip though

19. ok this one is tricky so right on that one brown spot just attach it so it rolls off that bottom pad then onto the other pad then attach the other one on the very right very tippy tip of the circle so it rolls of and knocks the king off his

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