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The release of Etopia Private Server has come and i'd like you to join the rpg fun! Controls:
W - Upwards D - Walk right S - Downwards A - Walk left Control - Attack/Talk Enter - Pick up/Interact
This game is just made so its currently under construction! BETA VERSION.
The game need some installations...
Step one: Etopia Client
Step two: Register at and download Hamachi2. I can asure you that nothing of this is virus. VIRUSFREE!!!
Setting up Hamachi2:
Step one: Turn on your Hamachi2 after installing
Step two: Click network up in the tab section.
Step three: Join a network, and enter...
Network-ID: Etopia Private Server Password: 123
Step four: Click join!
Now that you have set up your Hamachi2, all you need now is installing the Etopia client and the Library Files from Etopia Client folder. Once you have done that you free to go! Click client.exe and join the fun!