Just found a fairly odd bug, the timer went back and forth, and the final time was about 1/3rd of what it was supposed to be, i were able to do an ~8 sec time on marathon for example.
I've also previously noticed my times fluctuating ALOT when they seemed similar and people outrunning me when they shouldn't have been able to use flow, like in the start of a map
That's called lag. Slow internet connections/ping/etc vs Fast internet connections/ping/etc.
Just got grandmaster, won about 1/2 of my matches. There is a annoying bug that I have seen, where a flag doesn't record you touching it. Flowing seems to make it worse. Lag is not too bad if you put it on low quality, for me at least.
Anyways.. I'm almost grandmaster.. just a few levels away.
I'll do it later though xD
Perhaps a game Sour, when you have time?
Just got grandmaster, won about 1/2 of my matches. There is a annoying bug that I have seen, where a flag doesn't record you touching it. Flowing seems to make it worse. Lag is not too bad if you put it on low quality, for me at least.
You have to pass right through it. Touching it won't work. If you do pass through it, then that must be a horrible bug.
Still have to write that review later today. Yay, for Graham and I being among the first to get Grandmaster.