ok everyone, i THINK i solved the mystery as to how ties are settled now... i cant beleive i did not notice this sooner (it took over 1400 matches for me to realize it!)
...the last digit in our multiplayer times is ALWAYS a 0, 3, or 7!!! it seems to be rounded to the nearest i guess... so i suppose if my REAL time was for example "00:23.93" and someone elses time was "00:23.94", they would BOTH get displayed as "00:23.93", but i would be shown as being ahead. that makes the most sense to me, and it does play on the games mechanics as well.
check it out for yourselves... ive just come to the realization that ive NEVER had my last digit show anything besides 0, 3, or 7, in all 1480 matches ive played to date!
lastly, i wanted to share this as i retire from this game (until new maps come out):
exactly 1000 wins, and 4300 kudos ...a very good place to call it quits temporarily (since i AM starting to get a bit tired of the same maps all the time), but i will be back when i find out new multiplayer maps have been added!
i never did meet that debonair person again. if he reads this, i want him to know, hes the best player i ever did meet in all my time playing... no one ever beat me as many times as he did lol. i did meet quite a few other great players too though, some even under guest names. hopefully one day, a room choose feature can be added so we can find good competition easier (i know im not the only one who feels this way). i think the quick play feature is good too though, and should not be removed, since it allows for finding a quick match for people not caring who their opponents are, just there should be a room choose feature in addition.
as for bugs... i do notice sometimes when the match is running, and someone manages to get inside, the game will freeze. if possible, this should be fixed. this happened me to exactly 4 times. and another bug is the kudobomb feature, when you have used up all your kudos, and a kudobomb happens, you cannot give the new kudos out. but this really is, an awesome game, congrats on making it john. im glad to have played it, and proud to have reached 1000 wins!
(i also did managed to get under 7 mins in uniplayer FINALLY.)
I still think that the kudos bomb thing isn't a glitch.
In the lobby, the countdown timer sometimes freezes. This is because the game host's internet connectivity is poor.
As for mid-game freezing, that happens when someone clicks to join the room while it was in lobby, but by the time the game loaded, the game had already started. Apparently, the game can do nothing else but freeze.
* Position of the player is sometimes wrong - It could show that your first when you actually second, during the game * Sometimes, when a person finishes after you, it shows that they finished before you - this is lag, and I think their time is usually different than yours
i think these have to do more with the connection speed/ping difference in all the players in a room, more than the programming aspect...
i have also seen some people move INCREDIBLY slow, but again, im gonna assume thats either because thier ping is low (far distance from host), or, because their internet speed is slow... nothing to do with the programming itself im sure. granted though, there may still be ways to help remedy this. im not a programmer, i wouldnt know.
* Level 41 bug - in reality, we are level 40, because it went from 39 to 41, so basically it missed out 40, and also the achievements say that its level 40.
ah yes, i had forgotten about that one completely. it really should be 40 and not 41.
I still think that the kudos bomb thing isn't a glitch
Well, it has been corrected as if it was. Nothing else to say.
Position of the player is sometimes wrong - It could show that your first when you actually second, during the game
The game calculates your position taking in consideration ONLY your left-right position, not your actual position in the path you are taking (for example, in a back-forth path, advancing floors upwards or downwards) PD: Some native speaker, please rewrite last sentence so it makes sense and is understandable please.
Well everyone must have noticed the buggy flags of threadmillvania, they sometime don't raise when you go past them too fast. I've already addresed john about that one though so let's hope. And yeah Rukia, I can't wait to see new maps, care to draw us some new ones ^^. (Omg Bleach reference!!!)
Careful people! I think we got hackers! I have just seen a lvl 5 guest with 1254 matches 295 wins only 10 kudos and 1500 XP When I suggested he was hacking he quickly got out of the room. I have proof, I just don't know how to put it in here