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Welcome to War, Maggots! War is this simple: fight, survive, and kill.
War is an RPG. Anything can happen.

Accepting only two Soldiers to start!
- Need Generals!

Division: PICK ONE:
- Army
- Marines
- Green Beret
- Black Ops
Rank: Private Class 1
Class: PICK ONE:
- Assault (Assault Rifle, Pistol, 2 Stun Grenades)
- Light Machine Gunner (Submachine Gun, Pistol, 2 Grenades)
- Heavy Machine Gunner (Light Machine Gun, Pistol, C4)
- Sniper (Sniper Rifle, Pistol, 2 Claymores)
- Medic (Pistol, 2 Flash Grenades, Medkit)
- Support (Shotgun, Pistol, 2 Smoke Grenades)
- Custom ( -- , -- , -- )
** For each "--" pick any of the above guns/equipment. Or add your own!
Health: 100
Conditions: None

Example Sheet:

Name: Gunny
Division: Green Beret
Rank: Private Class 1
Class: Custom:
( Sniper Rifle, Medkit, Spec Gear)
**Spec Gear: Sneaky gear, like Splinter Cell stuff.
Health: 100
Conditions: None

Notice how in "Class" when using a Custom Class I detailed what my custom gear was? PLEASE DO THIS!
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