What is time?
It is the measure of the earth's rotation on its axis in combination with its orbit around the sun giving us seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months including lunar(28)days months and years of 365 days.
If there is a god, what created him and how?
God is defined as God the father, God the Son,(Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit who is and was without beginning or end.
Who wrote the Bible?(proof?)
Proof is being discovered by archaeologists every day but for now they've discovered The Apostle Paul's letters to the churches. Some of these were "written" by his assistants while he was in chains in prison. The Apostle Peter wrote a book of the New Testament as did James, a brother of Jesus, just to name a few.
If you would like to know more, feel free to leave a comment on my profile and I'll provide links, scripture, etc.
Ar questions just as important as answers?
This is only my opinion but I believe when we stop asking questions we stop growing and maturing as human beings.
If everything was just created, what was it created from?
That depends on what you believe as I think this is up to the individual as to whether they believe there is a God, or Supreme Maker.
I personally believe both science and Christianity. God created the heavens and the earth and there wouldn't have been matter or expanding matter to cause the Big Bang without Him.
How could matter appear out of nothing?
Science says matter isn't "created". I would defer to others that study this subject more than I do for a better explanation and where to find links to this question on the internet.
I say that all of creation, heavens and earth share common DNA even meteorites display this.
How did humans evolve to have consciousness?
I believe we as humans are born with a consciousness because we instinctively know who our mothers are as babies.
If you would go to hell...how would you feel eternal pain if you left your body and brain with your nerves behind?
This is a mystery and no one alive knows for sure what happens to our spirits,(if you believe that everyone possesses one?).
How powerful is the human mind?
Powerful enough to learn different languages, arts,(such as writing cooking, painting, music, etc.), to forgive a child of every wrong but still strong enough to teach a child what they will need to grow into an adult. The human brain can imagine the body cured of cancers, pain, while grasping physics and philosophy and civil duty.
How old is the universe?
I don't know.
Why do I look at things from a perspective of a nonhuman being?
For this one, I just seem to never look at things from a human, or my side. Though something could be annoying for me and help animals or plants, I side with the plants or animals instantly.
This is something you will have to work out for yourself. I can not explain why you feel "detached". I would suggest keeping a journal of your thoughts as they relate to your "real-time" world and maybe a pattern will develop that will be useful if you decide to talk with a Psychiatrist. I suggest a Psychiatrist because they are MD's and Psychologists are PhD's. Psychiatrists treat the "whole" person.
Why do some Christians shut off their minds to science?
Bias and prejudice exist because of ignorance.
Why is science considered a religion?
Actually I thought Religion was considered a science?