I need help with the 1st mission in Castaway.I keep dying. Please post a exact walkthrough to this mission if posible. Will be greatly appericated. I'm new too.
To reach the sand generator, you just need to keep on moving forward. Don't stop. You will pass a lot of snakes before reaching a place where you will find a scorpion. The sand generator is after the scorpion.
ok to get past the start.. i know its not easily recognised but theres just a slight bit of a sqaure going off the side of the edges of map all you need to do is walk into that and it will take you across to another map
Well, evil9k, there's only one way how to level up "quicklier". The way is to kill beasts above your level. That gives you more xp. But don't battle too much with them or you'll easily die. The only other way how to do do it is by using that known as "cheat engine". I don't use it, that way I'd miss the fun of the game. If we think logical it's impossible to level up so don't even think about it.