Ok, this is short and simple, Blue Smoke Plants are INSANELY good... Cheap, and surprisingly easy to "zerg" with. Note: With BOTH these units, leave range and ROF till the end.
Spider Factory, ALSO very useful, when you get it... Good HP, good Attack, and a nice up/down to support Blue Smoke Plants. SWEET!!!
The end all of units are tanks (when used right that high HP makes them insanely hard to kill, even WITHOUT upgrades) so max everything but HP and power (not that it needs any more...)
Currently, I have a setup on "endurance mode" that seems like it could go FOREVER!!! I'll post back how high it goes after a few days...
Warning, Cheap tactic below...
Seriously, this is disgustingly cheap!
Don't say I didn't warn you!!!
Simply put, when the enemy has above X units in play (usually when you are getting hammered) you can actually EMP and G A I N money (since it counts kills from EMP towards cash...)
This is DISTURBINGLY effective later on, if the enemy gets a bit ahead...