I wish I played something interesting, the best I can do is the piano...however the eigenharp is one of the most fascinating things i've seen in a while and I'd be interested in trying that out! Though, I can see I'd fail miserably, it'd be loads of fun!
i play any pit instrument (marimba, xylophone, ect) and oboe. havent met anyone else who plays oboe... french horn isn't very interesting... neither is the flute.. so oboe is about it.
I play the Bass Clarinet. It's a long black insturment about twice the clarinet's size. It touches the floor and makes a lower sound. But, the fingerings are all the same as the clarinets. There are a couple ones that the regular clrinet can't play though.
i play the trumpet... if you could not tell that before this post, never talk to me. ever. and i play the piano, the flute, not very much but hey, and guitar... im just learning how to play it though... lol