youd never expect someone close to you to die. never. ever.
you'd always expect things to be ok. Why? because the odds of someone dying. is just so low! wtf?
my friend, who is a child of divorce has really been going through a series of unfortunate events. his parents do not want him and he has been living with his grandma since 11 years old.
he recently has been in a car accident, and is brain dead. WHAT KIND OF GOD WOULD DO THAT?!@??~~???!! his parents arent even living in st louis atm. and yet he is brain dead?!
his parents dont care. they really don't. is it a possbility that Im wasted out of my mind? yes. is there a reason? yes.
your parents are supposed to unconditionally love you. but to become mentally dead, and your parents don't give a shit, just shakes my entire foundation of religion. I can scaresly say I believe in god at all.
I seriously wanna punch you in the gut for just overloading my mind with stupid.
But anyway:
youd never expect someone close to you to die. never. ever.
I do. My mother has chronic pancreatitus and I fear her days are numbered. She smokes and makes terrible health decisions. I'm afraid of her death but I can expect it.
you'd always expect things to be ok. Why? because the odds of someone dying. is just so low! wtf?
Wrong again. Maybe someone incredibly naive can beleive that things would be ok but after a peak in life it's unlikely things will ever be as good again. Then the dreary idea of your pathetic life sets in and you continue on. If a family member dies then you'll grieve and gripe and moan, but if you truly beleive in your religion you'd think that god needed them for something and that they were in a better place.
his parents do not want him and he has been living with his grandma since 11 years old.
Aw :c. That's saddening.
A god didn't do that though. It's a series of unfortunate events as you said. IN my opinion, a god would not be able to deal with everything at once. Therefore he could only be a creator, if anything. A god isn't responsible for absolutely everything anyone does at any time. They can only be responsible for 1 thing at one given time. For instance, miracles could be a work of god, they certainly don't come every few seconds. Point being, the kid died due to coincidence or reckless driving. Not a giant fairy with a wand and a toga.
OH wait... you're in a drunken rage... maybe I should leave now...
I won't pray for 'im. Though I certainly hope he didn't get gipped out of a life.
is this why you believerd in god? is this the reaonsing that allowed you to be bought in to the propaganda of christianity?.... How can you still believe in god after all of this.
I am VERY sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine what you're going through, but this is pretty much what Job (the book of the bible) is all about;
A rich man, Job, is a very upstanding, God-fearing man, and then Satan asks God permission to test him, God allows him to, as long as he dosn't hurt Job, so Satan burns his house down, kills his family and every thing he owns gets stolen, and yet he still belives, But then later God allows Satan to harm Job himself, so Job breaks out in Boils and Plaugues and stuff, then Job curses God,and God replies, (somthing like,) "Where you there at the beginning of time? Have you told every lightningbolt where it should go? or seen heavenly storehouses laden with Snow?" the point is, God works on such a different level than us, we can't even think how this could turn out for the better but
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'? Isiah 45:9
So, I am so sorry, but it will turn out for the good.
Of course there is, why do you think some of us pray to the heavens? Just for heaven? No, for our god
Then your god is a cruel god. DDX is right, what kind of god does shit like this? Eh? There is no god, or if there is he cannot be all loving, an all loving god would not allow such tragedy to occur.
What the flower? 'i' and 'o' are cute neighbours on keybord, but you just made a spelling error in your excuse? Lol sorry, but you could at least take care of the word sorry. >
The guy isn't exactly in a sober state of mind you little friggen worm. Show some fucking respect.
So, I am so sorry, but it will turn out for the good.
Oh yes the "greater good". Who cares about the "greater good". Sometimes to help the "greater good" there should be help for the individual. It's talk like this that sickens me.
Sorry it happened, but considering the state of this discussion, and the many others of it's kind, I will have to lock this. I will just ask: Would you rather have it happen for a reason, or without a reason? Whatever the answer is, it doesn't change the course of events, and it shouldn't change that you grieve and want to find a reason for this to happen. Find someone to blame. My condolences.