no look im not here to challenge christians by the way im muslim. anyway why do christians say that god rested on the seventh day of creation for in the quran there are verses tht say god dose not sleep.
for dont we 2 religions belive that god is an ultimate force please if any christian could just explain this statement
Genesis 2:2, 3 is the part of the Bible to which you're referring. The word translated "rest" comes from the Hebrew word shaâ§vathâ² which literally means, "rest, cease." The meaning of "rest" doesn't necessarily mean "sleep" (though it can), but looking at the context it is clear that it simply means that, after having finished His creative works, He desisted from further creating. Therefore, He rested. This is in harmony with what Xcalibur45 referred to at Proverbs 15:3.
It probably means cessation of work not relaxation. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made.
very interesting actually ive grown fond of this topic i like what ppls different reactions are. id like to see this topic evolve and see if any arguments occure
It's just a metaphor to justify Sabbath Day. We were supposedly made in god's image, therefore, if he rests on the 7th day just for the hell of it, then we should too. Or something like that.
Mmm nope. Wrong. The Lord rested the Sabbath Day, and blessed it. That's why we honor it. Because the Lord wanted us to, and because he hallowed it to become a day to worship Him.
Oh right, forgot that part. Either way, it's still just a justification for Sabbath Day.
Because thats the Koran, its different, He didn't sleep he rested. he saw that what he made was good. God does not rest, His eyes are dwelling in every place.
Don't mean to argue, but I just want to point out that you said "he didn't sleep he rested", followed by "God does not rest"? It's confusing me.
My opinion on the topic isn't that he rested because it was so good, but he fell asleep on the job the last day, and never got around to fixing all the problems he missed! ><
Also wrong. The problems in the world were first created by sin. Once Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they were actually cursing the human race to disease, death, and sin.
Yes so therefore God actually cursed the human race because he knew that the box would be opened, because he is all knowing and all powerful right? So blame disease, war, jews (jk), and Nazis on God?