If you've never heard of them, this is one of his youtube channels: SHAYTARDS!Characters: shaytard (carl, the dad), boytard (the son), princesstard (the girl), and mommy tard (the mom).
They post a new one every day for an entire year. The newest one, "where is the baby" isn't funny. Check out the other ones though! :P
I watch Shaytards and CTFxC... not sure which one I like more.
That's cool. I just got introduced to them, and I'm already addicted. They're videos are too long though
The Shaytards have big news! They've added a new member to the family! He was born today, and he's 8.27 pounds! You should check it out on they're youtube channel!
Cooper!! Hahahhaa he's so cute. I don't follow them I just watch there videos every once in a while.
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