ForumsSupport Forum[nec] More answers to common suggestions and questions.

19 4938
1,941 posts

I know there's alot of threads about glitches and everything, here in the support section. I wondered if that could be reduced, and I actually thought of something good (!). I'll write something like a common suggestions thread, but then common glitches and information about them. If this is unwanted, just remove it, I just want the feedback on it nevertheless. I want to help, but I want to know if I'm doing it the right way.


1: Glitches
2: Saving posts or threads
3: Chatting
4: Ranks
5: Searching
6: Fake Armor games site?

There are pretty much glitches around at the moment. A pity, but nothing to worry about in most cases.

1a: The time glitch Example

This bug says the last post has been posted, for example, 2 years ago. Ofcourse, the last post wasn't back then, otherwise AG would've been really dead already. It's just a time glitch.
We hope this solution is fixed with the coming of AG 3.


forty years glitch, screenshot by Gametesta
The forty years ago glitch is simply answered by this quote (By Knight_34)

"It's a glitch with the server and UNIX time, seeing as UNIX time began on Jan. 1, 1970 you get a "40 years ago" error. Remember last year? It was a "39 years ago" error. UNIX time glitch."

Once again, there is no direct solution, but it might be fixed in Armorgames 3.0. This one shouldn't give problems


Next is the problem where a new post is being put in front of an old one:

Link screenshot
(as you can see, my post is between 2 posts of secretmapper. The thing is, secretmapper double posted in his game. Still, my post was put in front of his second post, whilst that was much earlier)

Once again, this shouldn't give much permanent problems. The problem is only temporarily, and should be fixed a few minutes later.


It can also happen that a post gets "Cloned".

Screenshot by gametesta

The topic was moved by a moderator, but it still appeared at old place aswell. One of the two won't show a proper last post by ... (as can be seen, last post by either Gametesta or Cenere?)
Like most of the glitches, it's nothing to worry about. It is a matter of a slow server, and should be fixed within a few minutes.

2: Saving as concepts

Saving as a concept is not availeble at AG, for the simple reason it isn't needed. Just like this post, any big or important post should be pre-typed in something like word or wordpad. Then just copy/paste.

3: Chatting

3a: A chatroom?

Armorgames used to have a nice chatroom. How come we don't have one right now? Unfortunatly, there were plenty of people who thought it was funny to swear, or in any other way, abuse the chatroom. Due to this fact, the admins took the chatroom off.

There is an unofficial chatroom, but use on own risk. armorgames isn't responsible for it! Use with sense

3b: It is possible to send private messages or any other social way of contact?

No, it isn't. Armorgames isn't a mere social network. Ofcourse, we get new "friends" and we'd like to talk to them. But if you want so, you can do so on MSN, email, xfire or any other social contact program/site.

4: Ranks

One way that makes Armorgames cooler, is the Armorpoints feature. We currently have 7 ranks, each with 3 "subranks".

Wood Serf: 10 AP, Iron Serf: 25 AP, Gold Serf: 100 AP
Wood Squire: 225 AP, Iron Squire: 400 AP, Gold Squire: 625 AP
Wood Knight: 1200 AP, Iron Knight: 1750 AP, Gold Knight: 2250 AP
Wood Lord/Lady: 3000 AP, Iron Lord/Lady: 3500 AP, Gold Lord/Lady: 4000 AP
Wood Duke/Duchess: 4500 AP, Iron Duke/Duchess: 5200 AP ,Gold Duke/Duchess: 6000 AP
Wood Prince/Princess: 7250 AP ,Iron Prince/Princess: 8500 AP, Gold Prince/Princess: 10000 AP
Wood King/Queen: 12000 AP, Iron King/Queen: 14500 AP, Gold King/Queen: 17500 AP

Those are the current ranks, witht he needed AP. Now, how about adding a few more ranks besides those? That's a big no. Barely anyone has a golden king or queen rank, so we don't need new ranks.
A quote by Knight_34:

"Adding an Emperor rank is one of the more agreed upon measures I've seen (looking at past threads). However, there are only around nineteen gold kings/queens. Do we need an Emperor rank now? If we put it in, Firetail will get Gold Emperor or whatever's highest, automatically, seeing as he has a motherload of points. Anyway, I think this is more appropriate when the number of gold kings/queens quadruples or quintuples.

As for more tiers for each rank, I think three are enough. Higher AP requirements would be unpopular hmm.. It's nice having more than three, but they aren't direly needed. "

5: Searching

Can we search for community threads?

Yes, you can: Search!

6: Fake armorgames site.

Possibillity A:I have seen a fake armorgames site, which looks EXACTLY the same as the original, same logo's and templates for example. I am logged in at armorgames, but not at the fake site.

We've had a discussion about People thought it was a different site, because they weren't logged in at this site, whilst they were at the "real one". This is just a matter of cookies. It is the real site, redirected.

Possibillity B:I have seen a fake armorgames site, but it has a few differences.

The only thing you can do about this report an admin. Don't report any site that redirects to a different gamingsite, like armogames redirects to mofunzone. Those are just stupid tricks to lure people away. This is not considered phising.
  • 19 Replies
1,255 posts

Good suggestions. I like the idea, but I don't know if Daniel McNeely will be able to put all of the many suggestions made by users into AG 3.0

1,941 posts

Good suggestions. I like the idea, but I don't know if Daniel McNeely will be able to put all of the many suggestions made by users into AG 3.0

Even if he will, it will take a long while before that's done.
2,765 posts

Stickies; read em

- Some quote from a moderator.

8,051 posts

I know there's alot of threads about glitches and everything, here in the support section. I wondered if that could be reduced


What do you think this section is for?
1,855 posts

There should be a FAQ section. (frequently asked questions)

8,051 posts

There should be a FAQ section. (frequently asked questions)

How would someone know that it's been frequently asked? That'd just be a thread dumping zone.

And there's this sticky.
14,745 posts

I like the suggestion made on several subcategories in the support & suggestions forum... makes for a better overview on the whole forae alltogether, plus it will reduce the unwanted double, triple, etc. posts on subjects... good one if you ask me! =)

1,941 posts

Stickies; read em

I added something... Look at the date it was last modified... 2008 man... prehistory!

What do you think this section is for?

Not to repeat issues for sure...

There should be a FAQ section. (frequently asked questions)

There are plenty but most of them don't get updated reguarly... That's why I made this collection of answers. I hate it if I have to give the same answer over and over again.

Gold - Duke


I like the suggestion made on several subcategories in the support & suggestions forum... makes for a better overview on the whole forae alltogether, plus it will reduce the unwanted double, triple, etc. posts on subjects... good one if you ask me! =)

That might work yeah.
703 posts

how do you when you post a website on your profile do you have the link say som thing besides what the link is for example do i change the name

4,689 posts
4,689 posts

Woops that failed. I wonder why? Anyways just look look at the stickies near the top others posted.

8,051 posts

Not to repeat issues for sure...

Look at how many repeats there are for a topic that's already stickied: Rules and Common Suggestions PLEASE READ !

Making two threads of the same type isn't likely gonna make them go: 'Oh, there's two. I should read them now.'
4,013 posts

Does the highscore system apply to every game on AG?
I fit dosen't can we suggest ones that should have it?

4,005 posts

It appears that the high score system is only applied to the games that have coded for it. I run into many that do not, and many that do. I may be wrong, but I think it's something that the developers have to program an allowance for otherwise it doesn't work.

4,013 posts

Awe, it would be cool if powerpool had it for all three.

Showing 1-15 of 19