ForumsWEPRModern Morality: Christianity against Greek Mythology

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Some theist state that there religion is good because it gives them a moral code. But if that is the case, then why let a religion with a good moral code die? The Greek Myths may not have a set moral code, but I will use the examples set by the Greek heroes as morals.

On killing:

The Greek heroes had no aversion to killing, at least to there enemies.

Christianity swings both ways on this one. They say "Thout shalt not kill" but have billions killed in holey ways.

I will consider this one a tie, as it depends on how you look at it.

On Woman:

The Greek myths value women to a degree. There were several goddesses and some Greek heroes even went to the extend of going into the land of the dead to save there wives.

The Bible regards women as less then men. The characters tend to not care when there wives are turned into pillars of salt and have multiple wives.

Point for the Greek.


The Greek seemed to have no problem with it, in fact, Apollo swung both ways and had male lovers.

The Biblical god hates homosexuality.

Point Greek.

Researching and gaining knowledge:

The Greeks are all for it. Many of there heroes use intellect and wit to get out of sticky situations and they have a goddess assigned to wisdom.

The Bible seems to not care about any wisdom that is not gods and there heroes, such as "Peter and John ... were unlearned and ignorant men", and things telling you to be ignorant.

Point Greek.


The Greek heroes and gods lie often to save themselves and others trouble. They don't even pretend to be benevolent.

The God of the Bible have harsh punishments for small lies. It once more swings both ways on this, as god and his prophets had lied. "Say, I pray thee, thouart my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee."

So a point to either depending on how you look at it.


The Greeks have little problem with it and actually have a god of thieves.

The Bible still swings both ways. The tend commandments say not to steel, but then god turns around and tells them to "Burrow" the Egyptians things. And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment:

Still depends on how you look at it.


The Greek had no problem with sex. It created many of there heroes and filled their stories.

The Bible swings both ways(Surprise surprise!). The ten commandments and other things say it is bad, yet angels, prophets, and ordinary people have sex all the time in the stories. Some times with people they are not even married to or even family members, as in the case of Drunken Lot.

Depends how you look at it still.


The Greek sacrificed periodically for the enjoyment of there non omnipotent gods. They did not sacrifice human often in the stories, save if they really pissed a god off, and even then they some times live happily ever after.

The Christian god was not opposed to human sacrifices, he even killed a few for that purpose, yet the newer books state to not sacrifice any more because of the divine human sacrifice.

Still depends on how you look at it...

In conclusion, why choose Christianity from a purely moral bases if other religions that you think are totally preposterous have equil, some times better, morals?

  • 148 Replies
2,520 posts

Me and Jeol are just cool like that.

3,817 posts

... Usually, I think it is good to be a little off topic. But flying bunnies, though absurd, have little to do with the current topic...

2,520 posts

The current topic is dead. This, like every other religious thread, has run its course.

9,462 posts

If you can't tell the difference between technical testing and tempting in the Bible you need to re-read it.

In our language yes there is a difference but in the language it came from not there is no real difference. Considering you guys like to yell CONTEXT all the time, here it is!
In context between test and tempt there is no real difference.

Not only is there no flaws in Christian morals

What does it say to do to a witch?
What does it say to do with a male in a homosexual relationship?
What does it say about eating shellfish?
What does it say about eating meat? (look into the new testament)

On the good morals
What if your starving, is stealing still wrong?
If your life is threatened, is it still not okay to kill? Does the ten commandments make any difference between killing in self defense and killing out of malice?

The biggest flaw I see in Christian morals is not always the moral itself, but the fact the moral is treated as an absolute.

And even then, gay isn't a strong gene. Wonder why... lol

It's in dispute.

and MageGrayWolf may be valid, so I'll request sources because it sounds pretty stupid.

I'm afraid I don't have time or energy to dig up really decent links. It will also be difficult to find a lot of good links as well since I have to sift through a large number of religious sites just saying "gay is a sin".

Probably not the best link but this is where I first heard it.
Gay Twins and the Science of Epigenetics

Basically testosterone is introduced to the fetus during development. If not enough testosterone is produced or absorbed it can result in masculinize the body but not the brain. This leaves a more feminine brain in a male body resulting in homosexuality.

This covers more an genetics and hormonal factors. It runs a little over an hour but the lecture stops around 46 minutes.

Currently this research has focuses mostly on homosexual males there needs to be more research conducted on homosexual females to be more complete. However given the correlations between these factors and homosexuality in male is so strong it shouldn't be ignored.

Also testosterone is a foreign agent in the female body, studies have shown that more homosexual males have older brothers. What is thought is that the mother develops a sort of an immune response to the foreign agent reducing the amount of testosterone the male fetus receives, resulting in a homosexual male.

As for it being a choice, there have been children raises as the opposite gender but still turned out having sexual desires for there actual gender, rather then the gender they were raised as. This would strongly indicate that nurture does not play a role in sexuality.

Oo yeah, there's always the sky too.

Actually that isn't such a bad idea. Maybe not necessarily the sky but space colonization. There is a lot of space out there in space and life has been well known to spread to empty environments and we are a lifeform with the ability to create previously non existent environments.
2,520 posts

In our language yes there is a difference but in the language it came from not there is no real difference. Considering you guys like to yell CONTEXT all the time, here it is!
In context between test and tempt there is no real difference.

Was the Bible written in out language? Nope.
What does it say to do to a witch?
What does it say to do with a male in a homosexual relationship?
What does it say about eating shellfish?
What does it say about eating meat? (look into the new testament

Strangled meat, on certain days, and those were different days back then, the actions listed would be very different back then.
Currently this research has focuses mostly on homosexual males there needs to be more research conducted on homosexual females to be more complete. However given the correlations between these factors and homosexuality in male is so strong it shouldn't be ignored.

I'd love to do some research on homosexual females
260 posts

I'd love to do some research on homosexual females

wow religious arguing threads get filled up fast
its only natural for humans to conflict i suppose, and fun at times.
And by conflict im talking debate
9,462 posts

Was the Bible written in out language? Nope.

In English there's a difference, in the language it was translated from no real difference.
I don't know how to put it any simpler.

Strangled meat, on certain days, and those were different days back then, the actions listed would be very different back then.

So your saying the moral codes in the Bible are no longer valid and we are working off another set now?

wow religious arguing threads get filled up fast
its only natural for humans to conflict i suppose, and fun at times.
And by conflict im talking debate

Yes, and it's probably one of the better forms of arguing.
2,520 posts

So your saying the moral codes in the Bible are no longer valid and we are working off another set now?

To an extent, yes.
In English there's a difference, in the language it was translated from no real difference.
I don't know how to put it any simpler.

All the sudden we're hebrew experts or something.
9,462 posts

All the sudden we're hebrew experts or something.

Hola or hello in Spanish. Now to understand this word did you need to be an expert in Spanish or did you just need a basic understanding of that word?
3,817 posts

Wait, I don't know what some of you are saying. All of the previous laws in the Bible are taken into effect, except for any ones of sacrifice, which Jesus paid for with his blood, and of course, any that would only make sense that they were for the Jews. That doesn't mean we blot out all of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

So you are saying we should stone women who have sex before they marry, homosexuals, people who cuss, rape victims who do not scream loud enough,IF YOU WARSHIP OTHER GODS, if you don't listen to your father, if you break sabbath, if you curse a dictator, and witches and that we should beat fools up, witch includes faithless by another verse, and that you should do whatever the voices in your head tell you to do?
9,462 posts

Mmm.... Not so much. I have never heard half of those.

How about not eating shellfish or wearing clothes made of two different materials?
3,817 posts

Not eating shellfish? I have never had shellfish, nor any high-end fish (thou I had one lobster once). In other words, I do not quite get your meaning.

It is in the Bible that that you can't eat shellfish. How does that fit in with modern day morals?

And here is a link that gives quotes telling you when to stone someone.
4 posts

I think the Greek wins out over christianity in morality. The Bible and the Ten Commandments contradict eachother quite often.

9,462 posts

I think the Greek wins out over christianity in morality. The Bible and the Ten Commandments contradict eachother quite often.

How do you think the belief systems I posts compare?
173 posts

[quote]I think the Greek wins out over Christianity in morality. The Bible and the Ten Commandments contradict each other quite often.

[b]I AM FROM GREECE,MATE and i have to say this:
You are just an inexperienced talker who says those things.
So P L E A S E learn:
( All the things i am saying dont exactly refer to your suggestions but still are real and true!! )
1) Both religions point out to be a good person.
1a) Crhistianity says that you must be a good person in order to have a good afterlife.
1b) Ancient greece says you to do that if you want to have a good life.


( i am continuing this tomorrow )

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