If you have 10 trees in one room and 100 trees in another room. Which room is going to have less CO2 in the air? The room with 100 trees will because even though they spit it back out, there are more trees taking in CO2 which means less CO2 is in the air.
I compost, recycle, low-flow toilets, and my family grows vegetables in our garden, it used to be just for fun but then it became acenomical. I dont believe in man-made global warming but I still believe we need to help the environment.
I found out while I was in school that my family is very close to being the family that uses the lowest amount of electricity. It is odd since I live in a two story house.
What I do to help the enviroment. Well I always recycle, when I miss the garbage can in the park I always go back and pick it up. I always turn off my lights when I'm not using them. I encourge every one to do more stuff for the enviroment. Like instead of driving to a sport practice you walk or jog. Same to going to work. Unless you live far away from where you need to go.
well lets see. For starters i fly jets 4 times a week that in each sortie give off the same amount of emmissions that a car would in a year. So i wouldnt say i was helping the environment so much as punching it in the face:0However i console myself with the fact that if i wasnt doing it someone else would be anyway. However i am not against green party policies and i am in favour of sustainable industry and even deprivatisation of some indusries to make them more green, such as national rail and other things.
When the environment does it's part for me, i will do my part for it.
These are the types of ignorant atttitudes and comments that serve no purpose. You ask what has the environment ever doent to you. Well for starters it provides you with a place to live and breathe. As well as many other things that im sure you could work out if you channelled your brain power in a more productive way.
To steal from John F Kennedys legendary speech.
It is not what your environment can do fo you. But what you can do for your environment.
Well lets see.I recycle,I haven't used hot water the whole summer(mainly because the oil to make it hot is way too expensive nowadays)then I don't go to much of anywhere,and for the future I don't plan on driving my rust bucket to school,but instead take the bus with all the annoying 9th graders instead.Also I DO eat meat since the cows they kill to get it,were producing methane gas before.So in a way all of you vegetarians out there are not helping the environment,by doing so.Anyways that's just about all the ways I help.