ForumsGame WalkthroughsTriggerman : The Escape

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for the first level after you kill the captor and get the items go to the first gap shoot your grapple hook straight up and when the guy face the other way go up and switch to your gun while still on the rope and head shot the guy. If you don t he will be alerted. then go to the next door and open it and quickly close it so you can see where the guy is ( when you open a door you will be able to see the section). When he is facing the other way shoot your grapple hook straight when you step on the other-side of the door. that is how to get to the next section.Then go shoot your hook straight up andslowly go up when the guy isnt looking assasinate him cause shooting might alert the other enemys then go get the plans. then fall in the hole and when the enemys cometo the side shoot their heads which are sticking out

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