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Everyone makes these, so I decided to try my luck. Please comment on what you think.

I use the people I'm friends with in the story, as well as random people I find compliment the story. All characters are from AG and are represented by their armatar. I don't have a title yet. The first post will be the first chapter.

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It was a warm, lazy Saturday when Nurv loped out of an overgrown crepe myrtle into the summer sun. A large hawk followed him, walking with an awkward gait along the ground. Nurv sniffed the air and proceeded onward with an air of confidence.
âItâs awfully warm today, why donât we head back to the warren?â said the hawk, whoâs name was cowmaster. No one knew why they were named that, and no one cared. Nurv looked back and stared hard at cowmaster, who glared but didnât speak again.
âA life of adventure is good for the soul!â Nurv said cheerily. Cowmaster obviously thought differently, and mumbled under his beak as they progressed over a large field and towards a belt of large trees, outlined by the sun down in the sky. It was about 3:00. As they breached the trees, Nurv gasped aloud.
âWhat is it now? I want to be back, and I wonât have you running after another shiny object now.â Nurv would have cast another glance at the sarcastic hawk, but his gaze was held by the large garden in front of him. âCome on then if youâre going to do nothing but stare at a garden, Nurv.â Cowmaster waited expectantly, but Nurv did not come, but rather started a cautious hop towards the garden. Cowmaster was exasperated, but followed at a leisurely pace. Nurv would not look away from the large carrots just uprooted, but someone was watching him. A fox opened one eye nonchalantly as Nurv crept by, then shot to attention and stopped himself from sitting up at the last second. Ddevil6, known to his fellow foxes as DD, started to rapidly salivate as he saw the plump rabbit advance towards the garden. Although he was slightly annoyed at being woken from his dream, he was comforted by the fact he could soon fulfill that dream. He kept to the cover of the bushes, and as Nurv turned back to the hawk trailing him, DD lay down and listened.
âNow, see that tree over thereâ Cowmaster nodded and did the best a hawk could do to yawn. âOkay, fly up there, and if you see anything, give me a call, okay?â Cowmaster spread his impressive wingspan, and gave them two hard flaps before becoming airborne towards the tree. Nurv, who had been knocked flat by the second flap, gathered his dignity and reached the garden. He looked around suspiciously, but seeing nothing began to munch on a bright orange carrot. DD chuckled to himself. The rabbits were getting so stupid these days, and now they were practically falling in his lap. As he began calculating his attack, Cowmaster alighted on the tree. It was dead, and while Cowmaster was slightly unnerved by the lack of cover, he stayed, hunched down as far as he could. Nurv progressed towards the edge of the garden, following a trail of scattered parsley. DD crouched, and was prepared to pounce. As Cowmaster surveyed the landscape, a relaxed voice said quietly from the tree,
âWhy hello there.â As Cowmaster jumped up in surprise, DD made his move.

4,689 posts

ohh wonder who is in the tree and will bunny survive?

2,522 posts

:O Stay tuned lol

4,689 posts

Would be neat if a knight got involved. (hint hint)

2,522 posts

Yeah Sloth you'll get in there, you too Commander.

676 posts

Don't eat Nurv!!!!!!!!! Don't worry! I'll save you!

2,522 posts

But for seriously guys is it good?

2,522 posts

Well right now I'm writing part two, listening to the NBA Finals, and browsing the forums. Sloth, you'll get in soon, Commander you're a little tougher, you may be a character in later.

2,522 posts

Part two, relatively boring, a sort of building part, but still a good read. Sloth, I was going to fit you in, but didn't know if you would change your armatar.

2,522 posts

Fortunately for Nurv, when the tree spoke Cowmaster gave out a surprised screech. Nurv, having adept rabbit senses, bolted for the dead tree. DD, landing where Nurv had been five seconds ago, was after the rabbit in a flash. Looking for air support, Nurv was panicked to find the skies deserted.
âWho are you?â Asked Cowmaster, staring incredulously at the tree. He was oblivious the frantic Nurv racing around the garden, being chased by a large fox.
âMe, you ask?â Cowmaster nodded slowly. âWhy, my name is LazyOne.â Cowmaster noticed the voice was very soothing and began to relax. âWhat are you and your fluffy friend doing out here?â
âYouâre a tree.â
âYes I am. Funny you should ask.â
âFunny I should ask what?â
Cowmaster was thoroughly confused, and was once again drawn to the garden. Upon noticing Nurvâs situation, he heaved off the tree into the air, with LazyOneâs faint voice wafting smoothly after him. âGoodbye now.â
Nurv, upon seeing Cowmaster swooping low towards them, was relieved. He stopped for an instant, and realizing his mistake turned to the pursuing fox. DD, noticing Nurvâs mistake, rushed in for the kill. The plump rabbit had been fast and he was about tired of the chase, but now he tasted rabbit. A massive thump sounded as two bodies collided, and Nurv closed his eyes. A couple seconds later, he opened them and realized he had not been one of the bodies. DD had been thrown head over paws as Cowmaster, a large hawk by hawk standard, had collided with him. Cowmaster had quickly flown a few feet into the air and was now menacing the bruised fox with his large beak and talons. DD was hungry, but not wanting a fight he retreated back to the bushes. Cowmaster, breathing hard, turned to Nurv.
âHow were the carrots?â Nurv was grateful for the hawkâs quick actions and did not respond. The sun was starting to set, as the whole escapade had lasted about an hour. As they headed back towards the warren they lived in, Cowmaster spoke.
âIâm sorry I didnât get to you earlier.â
âWant to hear why?â Nurv stopped and sat up, and Cowmaster shared his story. âI had been in the tree for a while, when I heard a voice.â Nurv stared. âI know it sounds crazy, but I did.
âWhat did this tree have to say?â
ââHello, Iâm LazyOneâ, or something like that. I was startled, which was the noise you heard that saved you. I started to talk to it, and somehow I forgot about you.â Nurv sniffed airily. âHe was very slick, and I never grasped what he was talking about, but then I remembered you and left.â
âWhy exactly are you telling me this?â They had about reached the warren, and as they stopped just out of eyesight of it, Cowmaster stopped.
âI donât know, Itâs just that I had a bad feeling about it, Nurv. Youâve got to believe me.â Nurv showed no sign of believing him. âTomorrow, weâll go out, and Iâll show you!â
âVery well Cowmaster, but itâs late and Iâm still hungry.â They walked the last mile or so to the warren, and entered as the first shade began to stretch over the world.

2,522 posts

Part three will be really long, with three new characters (Sloth, Gantic, and Jeol), And will begin the basis for the plot.

2,522 posts

Gantic will be leader of the warren, and Sloth I'm afraid you are quite the shady character. But you're a BA.

2,522 posts

Bad Ass man

2,522 posts

Real rough man, but I'm afraid not. What time do you leave, I might have some genius early tomorrow.

2,522 posts

What time is it there right now?

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