ForumsGame WalkthroughsReincarnation 2 Rileys Out Again Walkthrough

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You may have diffucluty in this game because it didnt have a walkthrough in the second game..Well i gonna help u all.
Click the skull and he will give you your mission.
First you noticed a guy with a key inside his chest right when u click the magnet..Click the magnet and the eel at the same time to let the key out
Second part : Click the red monster nearby the pool then proceed to the next screen. click the water to appear an aligator so he can get the red monster.Click it again.After that click the plant near the tree.Go back to the screen.
Third part : you noticed a demon symbol right?Click it..after that click the tap water so that the kid will close it.You can now switch off the light and proceed to the next screen.
Forth part : You will see a fat guy..Click the paper,the fat guy will throw it..Click the upper forth locker as soon as he get back to his original position..After that click all the locker to check any screwdriver.Use the screwdriver and click it at the vent..
Fifth part : you are now at the vent.If you want to skip go ahead if you dont want to follow my step.go right,up,right,down,left,up,up,right,left,up.You will see Riley.Click the tablet that you find at the table.After that click the water dispenser near the hamster.Next click the opening,click the TV as he was about to turn it off.Quickly click his coffee while he is not looking at it and click the coffee again.
Sixth part : You may want to skip the vent cause i forgot how to get to the teacher lounge without skipping ahead.You are now at the teacher lounge.Next click the oven and check the third cabinet for a poison.Click it and click the coffee.Riley is dead wohoo
The End

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