Yes these guys. I watched a youtube video recently and I gotta say, I don't trust my own country anymore.
Im not sure I would do the link right so instead Ill just tell you the name of the video.
Illuminati Symbolism: It's Everywhere
For those who don't know The Illuminati are a Satanic Cult who were hunted down and mostly destroyed by the Catholics. At some point in history they infiltrated the Free Masons.
The estranged Owl barks furiously at the pink Coyote in the polka-dotted bath. Y'see, that is either a brilliantly devised coded message that leads to ancient masonic treasure - or a load of gibberish.
Yea I realize, I was merely making a joke. since this entire thread is a joke.
Yeah I got that, but unfortunately there are a lot of people out there incapable of critical and objective thought, so I figured I'd clarify, lest I lend credence to yet another ridiculous hypothesis.
Yeah Tibbs, they weren't barbaric but they were nuts.
Yea, some of them probably were a little crazy, there's always crazy people in secret organizations. But some of them had some good theories and ideas, science wise. But they're sanity can be a little on the downside.
You are right not to trust your goverment, after all the goverment is full of corruption and backhanders that tie in directly with business and banking. This video, however, does not show this, or really much substance at all. I mean, if you really wanna freek out just go look up some videos about the lizard people or the world ending in 2012, 2020, 2086, and a bunch of other dates when some ancient civilisation decided to stop making their calenders to.
Not saying the illuminati arnt real, but then the milky bar kid was real too right!
And walker, how would you know if the freemasons was infiltrated by ANYBODY, let alone a super secret organisation. It wouldnt be an "infiltration" if you knew about it now, would it! The freemasons are also full of secretive and corrupt people who deal in backhanders, business and banks. To be honest the whole darn world is full of secretive and corrupt people who just wanna make mucho cash, so Im not really picking on the freemasons.
Dont forget boys and girls, disinformation and misdirection is the goverments best tool. What do you think people like MI6 and the CIA spend all their time doing??? being james bond and taking out uber bad dudes like osama bin escaping? I think not.
Ever wonder why there are 'symbols' in all of that? I can explain it very easily. ANYTHING can be interpreted as a symbol of ANYTHING. It is a groundless argument based on inferences, personal preference, and the susceptibility of the human mind to suggestion.
The cake has always been a lie, everyone knew that already. Mythbusters "roved" the moon landing was real. (unless they are puppets of the Illuminati) That link that BlackIce131 posted is great. Theres too much stuff to just be coincidental.
Even though not all information on Wikipedia is credible, it says that the Illuminati were (yes the Satanic Cult part was wrong) Satan Worshipers, and that the Free Masons were infiltrated by them. (around the time Free Masonry was started, also I was right about the Illuminati being hunted by the Catholics)
Not all of my information came from Wikipedia though. I've read book. (not just Dan Browns Angels and Demons book)
I'm not crazy, I just broke free from the mind control. (don't freak out, that was just a joke..I really am a little insane)
actually the cake is in fact NOT a lie. i just ate it all and didn't want to have to feel your scrutinizing eyes upon me as i licked the last bits of frosting from the plate. guess you should have been faster