Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
I want to share my castle tomorrow: WAKE UP! IT'S 7 O'CLOCK! But I called it on my profile: Kill The Sleeping Girls! That's not a good title for this castle, you'll see it maybe tomorrow or maybe never! 8O But now I have more time for commenting castles on this thread I'm going to check all castles untill page 300! Wich me luck!
Your castles are really complicated but very nice if you discover how to crush it Only the king didn't died But it was a fantastic chain reaction BTW, why 8 shots?
Nice fort SSTG. Regrettable about the bug! I think we have a broken record: 0 plays, 0 likes at first position! I can't believe it :O I hope the PE is fixed tomorrow!
Well, I guess I'll build another one then. WHAT ANOTHER CATHEDRAL?
Right at the time architect SSTG was ready at building, there flew three asteroids in his cathedral SSTG was desperate and decided to quit with building untill the people and nature had respect for his buildings.
That was the fastest domino I've ever seen But domino's are becoming boring because I played a lot already. Maybe even 15 of them. So please stop making domino's and start creating masterpieces or chain reactions
Ruben, the dominos are certainly a very important part of chain reactions. How to do a chain reaction without domino? Ok, yes, it's possible, as MY BEST CHAIN REACTION, but that's an exception!
Another nice rhym SSTG This is quite good, but like the domino's these castles are also annoying to play for me. Luckely cfba destroyed it They are really nice but it's like you always playing the same castle. How many cathedrals did you build in CTC 2 PP? ten?
Your ostiches are very funny! I think I'm going to create animals too :P They are very cool in the game. I hope joey will include them as characters Keep making other animals SSTG! You're good at it. Maybe bigger animals like giraffes or tigers.