I know that celebrating this can be disappointing because of all the ghosts throughout this site. But hey, it's still a milestone. Better than nothing.
And I think that Exit Path is dragging users in the AG community because you need a AG account to save progress. Right?
It's been suggested. Although I don't see what's wrong with deleting no AP accounts. They don't do anything, and if they want, they can just create another. No harm done.
They need to go. Get one AP and you're up 300,000 ranks. It's sad.
Yeah there's so many ghost accounts around; you can't really praise yourself on having 500 000 users when half of them aren't even active. I'm okay with what has been aforementionned; deleting 0 ap accounts should be considered.
That's better haha. You worried me for a second. And I'm nocturnal too haha only during the summer =) And I wish there were more people online too but you can't have evrything I guess.