I think the name of the thread is allready enough explanation. You can't use the things listed here:NukesNuclear Weapons/DevicesFirst Boss:Weak AlienHp: 100/100Strong Against: GunsWeakness: Being Punched
Since he is burning..... I fire a gun that shoots out fuel... Since he is burning the fuel makes the flames bigger and htooer. Melting the whole cyclops...
I summon a giant monster that fires a laser out of its mouth destroying a part of the world
Hey its a force of nature not a blast
PS: This is to make sure it is dead
I throw two concussion grenades. While he is stunned, I throw an impact grenade to make him stuck in the ground.
i take a katana and be-head kingjac and nien
I do a rasegan onto it's legs.
be like Rocky Balboa and knock him out :P
Use a Railgun to fire a solid, armour piercing projectile at hypervelocity at the Cyclops.
Boss defeated!!!NEW BOSSrev=/images%3Fq%3Dmasterchief%2Bhalo%26um%3D1%26hl%3Des%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26biw%3D1308%26bih%3D918%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=122&vpy=91&dur=30&hovh=238&hovw=212&tx=145&ty=164&ei=litUTP_IDI36swO2gfXZAg&age=1&ndsp=34&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0">Spartan II SoldierHP: 100/100 (Shield 300)Strong Against: Any gun, sword, mace, bow, Covenant Soldiers.Weak Against: Friendly FireStatus: Waiting.Wounded: NoneDead: NoneDefending the boss:None
I Defend the boss...... Time too see who can get by me and the Spartan....
and me tooi send in a squad of spartans and warthogs to defend
Time to go all Prototype on this place...I disguise myself as one of the Spartans, then pinpoint the boss as an impostor...
NO one shall get buy me, rick and the SPARTAN
I trip rick when he is holding a spear, putting the spear through the Spartan's foot. I run away...
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