This is a place were you can put the worst movies you ve ever seen and the reason why they suck
i hot this idea beacause i ve seen the Max Payne movie not long ago and was shocked how bad it was The movie was so bad : its a movie to a really great shooter and until the last 15 minutes no shot is fiered and the story was so crappy that i skipped 30 minutes of the film with the fast forward of the dvd and felt like i've missed nothing of the movie plot and max payne appeared with a great illuminated panel pointing on him with the writing : ive lost my wife and my daughter please pity me
Yeah I I've seen the movie. It's actually Troll 2, and it's a cult classic. I think there showing it here in Austin as a quote along at the alamo draft house.
Honestly, the worst movie I've ever seen was avatar. Usually I enjoy movies without plots, but this one lacked the humor that the other plotless films were able to feature.
I absolutely hated the 5th Harry Potter movie because of how much info it lacked that was in the book and how much stuff from the 6th book they put into the film. Extremely disappointing. I also didn't like the 4th Indiana Jones Movie because IJ is supposed to be somewhat realistic, and that was extremely disappointing to me.
That was my least favorite HP movie as well, but mostly because it was just plain boring. I can't remember very much about it, even though I've seen it two or three times.
some of the worst movies iv ever seen the were the last airbender ,and the 1966 batman.also a movie i thought wasn't to good was the third harry potter movie
The Steve Martin one? I beg to differ. Sure, it was cheesy, but it was definitely funny. And a pretty creative way to make a movie too.
As far as worst movies go, Doom. Completely terrible.
As far as best worst movies go, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. You owe it to yourself to see this movie. Come for the tough look Jesus and Canadian vibes, stay for the Athiest fight scene. Genius.