i would say firetail madness he almost have 20,000
This thread isn't about that anymore.
Courtesy of knight_34 with some minor edits here is the list of topics that have been talked about in this thread.
1-----Pages 1-23-------"Most Active Forummers"
2-----Pages 23-34------"Explosive Releases"
3-----Pages 34-35------"Sniffing Substances"
4-----Pages 35-40------"Legal Consumpion of Questionable Substances"
3-----Pages 40-42------"Illogisms"
4-----Pages 42-47------"Legion"
5-----Pages 47-80-----"Bears"
5A----Pages 70-80-----"Kirby"
6-----Pages 80-89-----"Radiocative Exposure"
7-----Pages 89-91------"Spontaneous Combustion Constituent of er..."
8-----Pages 91-96------"How Would You Like to Die?
9-----Pages 96-105------"Kiddie Movies"
10----Pages 105-113------"Awesome Pop Culture Icons"
11----Pages 113-161------"Internettisms"
11A---Pages 125-126------"Ice Cream"
11B---Pages 127-143------"Longest, Favorite, and Made-up Words"
11C---Pages 143-155------"Sarah Palin and Other Stuff"
11D---Pages 155-160------"Games"
12----Pages 161-167------"Mario Kart"
13----Pages 167-193------"Retro Gaming"
14----Pages 193-202------"Obsession with Upgrade Systems in Games"
15----Pages 202-208------"Shagging Sheep in NZ What?"
16----Pages 208-212------"Niu Zillunderz"
17----Pages 212-218------"Apples and Oranges"
18----Pages 218-229------"Hell Pizza"
19----Pages 229-___------"No official title yet but it would be called "Ice Cream" I bet"
different country?
Which? Blue Bell is a famous ice cream maker in th US.